Chapter 1

Scratch scratch scratch. The claws of the animals scratched against the floors as they scurried through the small holes.
"Ugh." Mistuski groaned. Turning on her side, she glanced at the clock.
1 in the morning. The blue light of the clock illuminated the dark room. She groaned once again.
It was the 10th time she had woke up by the same sound coming from the walls and wood floors. Well... I'm not getting anymore sleep, she thought, laying in bed wide awake. Glancing at the white ceiling, she wondered what to do next. Before she could decide, a pressure build up in her lower area, making her want to pee. She slowly got out of her bed and silently walked to the bathroom. She was awfully calm with all the strange noise coming from the walls.
As she washed her hands, her blue yes looked straight back at her. Making a few faces, she brushed her black hair and put it in a high ponytail.
She thought back at the time a girl in school tried to scare her. The girl claimed that there were ghost in her house. Mitsuki remembered the ridiculous story as she brushed her teeth.
"I heard that you live on 1603 green st." The girl said, suddenly popping beside her. She simply nodded, not being able to talk with all the food in her mouth. Finally swallowing the food, she answered.
"Good to see you too, Kat." She answered. She had English class with Kat, and Kat was always talking up a storm.
"Have you seen any?" Kat whispered, getting closer and closer to Mitsuki.
"Any what?" Mitsuki said annoyed, as she leaned away from Kat.
"Ghost." Kat said with a tone, as if Mitsuki was supposed to know what she was talking about.
"Ghost?" She said, confused. Now Mitsuki was sure that Kat had a loose screw.
"Yeah," Kat said, looking annoyed that Mitsuki didn't understand.
"Let's hypothetically say the ghost exists. Why would I see one?"
Kat groaned in frustration.
"Because your house is haunted." She said, raising her voice. "Remember I told you this a while ago." Kat remembered Mitsuki about her previous conversation. Mitsuki suddenly remembered that last week she mentioned that she moved to that house. Then Kat continued from there to tell her a ghost story.
"Oh you mean the ghost children story?" Mitsuki said, putting the pieces together.
"It wasn't just a story." Kate said. "I told you the ghost children live in your house, and to keep an eye out for me." Kate remembered.
"Hate to break it to you, but ghost don't exist." Mitsuki insisted, turning back to her food. Kat quickly sat on the opposite side of the cafeteria table.
"Yes they do! And they are the only ones. So do vampires, werewolves, fairies and even trolls. So many monsters exist in this world." Kat said, getting excited about the subject. Mitsuki sighed and wished that her friends where there.
"Why do they all have to be in the swimming team?" She muttered under her breath, wishing her friends weren't at the swimming meet. "If there's monsters, then why haven't heard about them in news?" She said, taking the bait.
Kat's eyes gleamed, as she waited for that exact question.
"Because of P.O.S.E. It's a secret organization that controls all monsters. It's like a police for the supernatural." She stated proudly.
"And how do you know all of these if the organization is so secretive?" Mitsuki played along.
"Can you keep a secret?" Kat whispered again.
"Sure." Mitsuki rolled her eyes.
"It's 'cause my older brother works there. Trent is a super agent. He fights monsters everyday!" She said, lowering her voice.
"Oh, yeah?" Mitsuki said, as she arched her eyebrow.
"Yeah! He told me so. He went to a private school that trains agents. There are people like us that are graduating and becoming agents! Can you imagine if we went there? We would graduate this year! Barely turning 18 and already with a job." Kat said as she dreamed of the endless possibilities.
"Well... we still have a whole year left of school, plus I'm not 18 yet." Mitsuki reminded Kat, not wanting her to add an extra year to her life. "If you're so excited, why didn't you go to the school yourself?" Mitsuki said, now intrigued by the fantasy.
Pouting, Kat explained, "There's a limit of how many humans can get in. It's a very strict school for our type to get in. I didn't make the cut and have to study here."
"I'm guessing all types of creatures enter that school?" Mitsuki asked.
"Yup! Even angels and demons. Although not that many demons join the organization. Many agents are not big fans of them, which makes it much harder for them to enter the school." She explained.
"I would be very careful when around a demon. They are very evil creatures." She warned.
The bell rings through out the cafeteria, giving Mitsuki the perfect excuse to leave.
"Well it was nice to hear your fantasies, but I've got to go to class now." Mitsuki said while waving goodbye.
"It's all true! You have been warned!" Kat yelled after her.
"Yeah, yeah..." Mitsuki said, as she hurried away from her.
Mitsuki left the bathroom, thinking about how crazy Kat was.
"Maybe one day, she should write a book about this P.O.S.E organization." She thought, as she sat on her bed. Glancing at her nightstand, she reached over for her dream journal. Lately, Mitsuki had been getting strange dreams. This was the 5th time she dreamed of a specific guy. In her most recent dream, she had met the guy in her basement. She concluded that he was homeless in this dream. In her past dreams, he had been a solider, a lord, a pirate, and even a prince." She laughed at the idea that he was a mere hobo living in her basement. She quickly wrote down whatever she could still remember. Glancing at the clock, she noticed that only a few minutes had passed.
"Well, I'm not going to sleep again anytime soon." She muttered as she kept hearing the animals. She then grabbed a book and started to read.
Mitsuki was surrounded by darkness as she dozed off.
"It's so cold" she shivered. A distant voice called out. She turned around, trying to look through the darkness.
"Please hold on!" The voice called out, a bit clearer. "Please don't die!" The voice sobbed.
Mitsuki could tell that whoever was crying was a man. His voice sounded so familiar, yet she couldn't grasp who is was.
"Don't die on me again." He called, getting closer and closer. "Wait for me!" He urged.
"I'm here." She called, getting numb. Whatever was happening, Mitsuki grasped the fact that she was dying. She heard foot steps rushing towards her. A light in the distance got closer and closer.
"I'm here...'' she called out in a whisper, feeling completely numb.
Suddenly two warm arms were embracing her.
"I'm finally here, Mitsuki" He cried as he embraced her. "I won't ever leave you again."
Mitsuki felt tears stream down her face. The young guy pulled away and looked at her in the eyes.
"You will survive this time. I promise" He said as he wiped away her tears. Mitsuki couldn't stop staring at the guy that she had seen many times in her dreams. Her eyelids gradually felt heavier by the second.
"I'm so cold" She whispered as she started to close her eyes.
"Help is coming. Please stay awake with me." He said, gently stroking her face. More footsteps were heard making there way to her. She tried hard, but eventually she felt herself slipping into the darkness.
"I love you." Was the last thing she heard as she fell into darkness once again.
Mitsuki was once again looking up at the ceiling of her bedroom. Sitting up, the book fell off of her.
"I guess I dozed off." She said as she yawned. Glancing at the clock for the third time, she noticed that it was 10. She quickly grabbed her journal and scribbled down the very strange dream she had.
"Who is this guy?" She thought as she finished writing.
Suddenly she inhaled a sweet aroma.
"Do I smell bacon?" She said excited, completely forgetting of her earlier dream. Mitsuki quickly put her journal in her nightstand and hurried down stairs. Spotting the plate of bacon on the kitchen counter, Mitsuki tried to snatch a piece.
"Oh no you don't. You have to get the laundry first. When you come back upstairs the food will be ready." Mitsuki's sister said, reminding her of the promise.
"But Gina, I hate going down to the basement! It's so creepy and filled with spiders. I will do anything else besides that. ANYTHING!! I will even sell my soul to a handsome and useful butler and order him to go instead of going myself. Just so I won't have to go down to the basement!!!" She yelled, being overly dramatic.
Gina raised an eyebrow.
"Really Mitsuki? Isn't it a bit too early to go anime freak on me? Besides, yesterday you said you'll get the laundry in exchange of not washing the tub!" She said with an angry tone.
"Dang it. I really do hate tubs! They're so nasty to clean." She complained. Mitsuki paused her tantrum as she noticed her sister's unimpressed expression, "Fine, I'll go! It's not like your lazy butt will do anything useful." Mitsuki grumbled in anger.
"Did you say something?" Gina asked, holding a knife while a forced smile was plastered across her face.
"" Mitsuki said as she bolted out the door that lead to the basement.
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