Confusion Confusion

"Huh? Is Kaito really serious about how he loves me? But why me? No one ever liked me. Is this a joke!? Or is this real?" thought Kasumi
"Hey Kasumi you in there?" said Chelsea
"Huh! Yeah what happened?" said Kasumi
"Were you listening? I said how I am so confused on what to do?" said Chelsea
"Confused? About what?" questioned Kasumi
"Ugh! Kasumi!?" exclaimed Chelsea
"Sorry sorry! I just have a lot of things in my mind." said Kasumi
"What happened you okay?" said Chelsea
"Yeah I'm good its nothing sorry for not listening." said Kasumi
"Okay...." said Chelsea
"What's with you?" said Kasumi
"Well you know how you and Kaito are dating?!" said Chelsea
"What! What are you talking about?" said Kasumi
"I didn't even say anything to him so why did this~" thought Kasumi
"Yeah you ran away and stuff. BTW what's with that haha" laughed Chelsea
"Look we are not dating okay!?" said Kasumi
"You're not! Great! I was confused for a minute because it is impossible for you to like anyone." laughed Chelsea
"Yeah hehe." fake laughed
"Well that's good because that was what I was talking to you about." said Chelsea
"What?" said Kasumi
"How I really really like Kaito?!" squealed Chelsea
"What! Ssh..." whispered Kasumi
"Yeah!" said Chelsea
"Really?" said Kasumi
"Yeah you didn't notice me on the first day he came? I was getting pissed because he said you are his girlfriend?" said Chelsea
"Well I'm not." said Kasumi
"Good that is good. That is all I needed to know." said Chelsea
"Oh.." said Kasumi
"Don't be sad. I still love you." said Chelsea
"Ha! Thanks" said Kasumi
"Anyway I really want to ask him out!?" said Chelsea
"So why don't ya. Not that I care (Wait do I)?" said Kasumi
"Wow. You're so nice. I'm out." said Kasumi
"But wai~" said Chelsea
"What is with her? UH! I CAN'T HANDLE THIS?!" thought Kasumi
Kasumi leaves Chelsea with their weird conversation. She is walking and suddenly bumps into Kaito.
"Oh no." thought Kasumi
"Hey Kasumi!" said Kaito
"Uh...hi. I got to go." said Kasumi quietly
Kasumi almost leaves and Kaito stopped who is behind her.
"Hey Kasumi? You don't have to act like that." said Kaito
"What is he talking about. I hate this! Why me! Now Chelsea likes him what am I supposed to do?" thought Kasumi
"What do you mean? I'm fine." said Kasumi
"Yeah right? You now that you don't have much time left. I'm gonna have to sweep you off your feet and run away." said Kaito
"What!?" said Kasumi
"Don't have much time left Kasumi. Tick Tock." said Kaito evily
"Just leave me alone!" said Kasumi running away
Kasumi runs away. Kaito sighs about the situation and the Daichi appears before him.
"Hmm?" said Kaito
"Well wel?" thought Kaito
"Ah! Daichi! What's up man?!" said Kaito
"What do you think you're doing?" said Daichi
"What do you mean man?" said Kaito
"Why don't you just leave her alone?" sad Daichi
"Oh! You're talking to me about this?! Listen its none of your business so stay out of my way. Also you have you're own relationship to deal with." said Kaito
"WHY YO~" yelled Daichi that was about to hit him
"Uh Uh! Don't even." said Kaito
Daichi stopped.
"Listen just stay in our limits. Okay." said Kaito almost leaving
"You're really annoying." said Daichi
"Me? Why so? It's my life and as far as I know you don't even care about Kasumi so why are you so offended." said Kaito
"Man this guy is getting on my nerves." thought Daichi
"Are you mad that you're relationship failed and that you can't do it that.....there is someone else coming to your mind? Hmm?" said Kaito
"What?" said Daichi
"I don't know what you're talking about?" said Daichi
Kaito is about to leave when....
"You really think I'm like that? Actually I don't need to tell you anything. You think I like her well I don't. BUT IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER THEN I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN! GOT IT" said Daichi clutching Kaito collar
"Hmm...Well see. See ya later man." said Kaito pushing Daichi
Kaito leaves and Daichi is there by himself in the halls.
"That bastard!" said Daichi kicking one of the lockers
The bell rings and school is dismissed. Kasumi grabs all of her stuff and is about to leave when the librarian asks her to clean up and put books that Kasumi made mess of.
"Kasumi. Please all of you mess away now." said Librarian
"Me! Why!?' said Kasumi
"Kasumi you made a mess go clean it up." said Libarian
"This is like detention!" said Kasumi
"Think whatever want but go!" said Librarian
"Okay...I have to call my parents!" said Kasumi
"Hurry up we have a lot to do for tomorrow!" said Librarian
"Ugh I hate this. I am having the worst day ever!" thought Kasumi
After she calls her parents and gets right into work.
"Here!" said librarian
"Thanks..." sad Kasumi
She starts to clean all the shelves and puts all the books away. Then the librarian leaves her and says to make sure everything is clean. Kasumi is mad that she left and continues to do her job. As she starts working again, someone appears through the door.
*door screeches*
"Hey librarian~Oh! Daichi!!!" said Kasumi
"Daichi what are you doing here?' said Kasumi
"What are you doing here?" said Daichi
"Umm nothing." said Kasumi
"Okay.Whatever. I'm out." said Daichi
"WAIT! CAN YOU WAIT A BIT!" said Kasumi
Daichi was surprised.
"What?' said Daichi getting his sense straight
"You know since you're I should tell you something." said Kasumi
"What the hell is she talking about?" thought Daichi
"Hello you hear me?" said Kasumi
"Yeah what." said Daichi calming down
"Umm... you okay." said Kasumi curious
"Yeah what hurry." said Daichi heart pounding
"Okay.~" said Kasumi
"No!" said Daichi
"Huh?" said Kasumi
"No I don't want to. Okay I'm not." said Daichi
"What the hell is he talking about." thought Kasumi
Daichi keeps blabbering and then Kasumi stops
"DAICHI!" said Kasumi
"Huh what? No I know what you're gonna say." said Daichi
"Can you help me with cleaning?!said Kasumi
"HUH! WHAT." said Daichi confused
"Yes with cleaning." said Kasumi
"Oh my gosh you're so stupid! You know forget I even asked anything. You're just too crazy!" said Kasumi going back to work
" Wait that is what you wanted to ask." said Daichi
"Yeah! What were you thinking." said Kasumi
"Well...." said Daichi thinking how stupid he is
"What is wrong with you lately Daichi? Why are you even here........*keeps talking*" said Kasumi trying to reach a book
Daichi walks towards her and reaches the book for her.
"Uh! This book! So Daichi what~" said Kasumi
He grabs it and she looks at him startled.
"Here." said Daichi
"Uh..thanks" said Kasumi
Then she tries to move away with the book a bit flustered. Daichi just keeps looking her. She turns and sees him staring at her.
"Uh! What the heck is wrong with him why is he looking at me. What's wrong with me. Stop Kasumi Kasumi! Just be casual it's just Daichi." thought Kasumi
"Uh so! Why were you here!' said Kasumi changing the subject
"Nothing." said Daichi
"What a stupid answer!" thought Kasumi
"Oh okay." said Kasumi
"Well I'm almost done here and gonna go home so you better go now." said Kasumi
"But it's pretty night." said Daichi confused
"IT IS!" said Kasumi
"Oh shit! Now what am gonna do I can't go out there its way to scary..."said Kasumi
"Well its not dark but still a bit." said Daichi looking out
"That's still really dark. No I can't look scared in front of Daichi. I can do this! Yeah!" thought Kasumi
"I'll manage. I can go home by myself." said Kasumi nervously
"What is wrong with her? It's dark out and its obvious she's scared by her nervous tone." thought Daichi
"Well I'm out. Going now any minute." said Kasumi
Kasumi leaves and Daichi runs after her.
"Wai~" said Daichi
Kasumi walks out and Daichi follows behind her. She is walking out the school gate and it's pretty late.
"Wow it is really dark isn't it hehe?" said Kasumi nervously
"No I can do it." said Kasumi
Kasumi starts walking until she hears something and gets scared.
"What was that! AHH!" said Kasumi sitting down with her head down
"I hate this! I just hate this! I wanna go home *whimpers." cries silently Kasumi
"Come on lets go." said Daichi
"Huh?" said Kasumi looking up
"Let's go! I'll walk with you." said Daichi acting like he doesn't care
"Whaaaat? No I'm fine. Just got a bit surprised of how dark it actually was. But I'm good. Yeah...." said Kasumi
"You're such a terrible liar." said Daichi
"What are you talking about. I'm not lying Daichiii." said Kasumi fierce backs
"Okay. Whatever I guess I'll be going then." said Daichi
Daichi is about to leave and Kasumi stands there when she hears a cracking noise.
"I can do this. I can do this." said Kasumi
*crack*=scary nose
"I can't do this." said Kasumi running
She was running and running looking behind and forgot to look in the front.
"What was that?" said Kasumi
Se bumps into Daichi, who grabs her in his arms to calm her down.
"Kasumi? Kasumi?" said Daichi
"What was that? I think I heard something it was there~" said Kasumi panting and crying
"Kasumi? Kasum~" said Daichi
"No there is something there." said Kasumi
"Kasumi it's nothing.~" said Daichi
"No I'm sure so~" said Kasumi
"Kasumi listen tome nothing is there." said Daichi
"How can you be sure?" said Kasumi
"Look at for yourself." said Daichi
Then Kasumi grabs his shirt tightly and says
"No I don't wanna look at it." said Kasumi puts her face close to his chest
Daichi looks at her and blushes
"Uh Kasumi." said Daichi
"No." said Kasumi
Daichi thinks about her in this moment.
"Kasumi is such a nice girl~no bad girl I mean bad. But I can't see her be in pain and fear. She doesn't deserve it. She always so bright and different from other girls. If anything happens to her then I don't know what I'll do. That Kaito bastard better watch his back." thought Daichi patting her head
"Daichi Daichi." said Kasumi
"Huh? What?" said Daichi
"WHY ARE YOU PATTING MY HEAD?!" said Kasumi backing away and holding her head
"Huh. NO I WASN'T!" said Daichi lying
"Yes you were." said Kasumi
"No~" aid Daichi
"Cause if you were then I liked it." said Kasumi looking down
Daichi just stared at her and blushed.
"Uh Kasumi~" said Daichi
"I'm stupid." said Kasumi randomly
"What? I mean sure you kind of are~" said Daichi trying to block the situation
"I know. I don't know what's wrong with me" said Kasumi
"Being scared of the dark is pretty suprising to me haha." laughed Daichi jokegly
"Yeah..." said Kasumi
They were both silent for a few seconds.
"Umm well I got a go home so..." said Daichi
Daichi about to leave
"Can I walk with you? said Kasumi looking down
"Hmm? Why you a scaredy cat?!" said Daichi jokegly
"No!" said Kasumi back at him
"*sigh* Let's go" said Daichi walking
"Really?" said Kasumi
"Yeah why not?" said Daichi
"You coming?" said Daichi
"Yeah." said Kasumi
They were walking and it was really quiet and awkward.
"Daichi can I ask you a question?" said Kasumi
"Yeah what?" said Daichi
"Why did care enough to ask me to walk with you I mean we are never like that with each other." said Kasumi
"Well.....idk" said Daichi (when he kind of did)
"Okay..." said Kasumi
"Why did you agree to walk with me? said Daichi
"Uh....idk" said Kasumi (she kind of did)
"See." said Daichi
"Yeah I know its pretty weird since we both been rivals for many years." said Kasumi
"Yeah." said Daichi
"So how are things with you and Sakura?' said Kasumi randomy
"You know. We broke up and never talked again I guess." said Daichi
"Right...." said Kasumi ("I'm so stupid why did I ask that. Honestly I need therapy")
"Um I'm sorry that you know I feel like it was my fault." said Kasumi
"No don't be it wasn't if that kid wasn't there then we would have not~" said Daichi pausing
They blushed when they thought about it.
"Yeah." said Daichi
"I mean that kiss didn~oops." said Kasumi covering her mouth
"Huh? What's wrong Kasumi." said Daichi
"Uh nothing I didn't mean anything." said Kasumi blushing
"Okaaay...." said Daichi
"Mhmmm...' said Kasumi
'Kasumi don't worry about it." said Daichi
"Huh? What do you mean?' said Daichi
"That situation...maybe it was for the best." said Daichi
"What are you talking about?" said Kasumi
"You know what I'm talking about. The break up. I mean I don't even care about it." said Daichi
"Oh really?" said Kasumi
"Yeah so don't worry about it." said Daichi smiling
"How can you be so sure?"said Kasumi with an obvious look
"What?" said Daichi
"Break up. How can you be sure that it meant nothing? What if it did. It seems like you two were fine. But because of me." said Kasumi
"Kasumi if its its your fault then it's my fault." said Daichi with a serious look
Kasumi realized what he said and blushed so hard!!!
"Kasumi you okay." said Daichi
"Huh yeah!" said Kasumi
"So how are things with you and Kaito." said Daichi
"Umm well I don't know." said Kasumi
"Did you reply to him?' said Daichi
"No. I just feel awkward and I don't even like thinking about it." said Kasumi
"Oh I see sorry." said Daichi
"Daichi!" said Kasumi
"What?' said Daichi
"Did you say sorry?" said Kasumi
"Yeah so?' said Daichi confused
"You never said sorry to me or anything. Are you really Daichi?" said Kasumi
"Fine if you're so dramatic about I'll take it back." said Daichi
"No no. It's okay." said Kasumi
"Okay then." said Daichi
They arrive at Kasumi's house. Kasumi goes in when....
"Uh...." said Daichi
"Yeah." said Kasumi
"Anything you need to say." said Daichi
"What?" said Kasumi
"Really?" said Daichi
"What?" said Kasumi
"You really are so stupi~" said Daichi getting interrupted
"Thanks." said Kasumi smiling
This moment Daichi was in a different kind of atmosphere and feeling. He didn't know what to do or say.
"Daichi you okay?" said Kasumi
"Yeah?" said Daichi
"Well I'm going see ya." said Kasumi
Kasumi goes home and Daichi leaves. He is thinking about Kasumi while walking.
"Kasumi......*flashbacks about Kasumi* *flashback about Kaito I won't let anything happen to you." thought Daichi
Daichi gets home in his lonely apartment. He goes to his bed and lies thinking about Kasumi. Kasumi vice versa
Thanks for reading. Wait for more episodes/chapters.!!!
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