One more day in paradise

"Emo, goth, and attention ho?" He laughed again. "They get better every day." Then he pulled them down and threw them in the trash. He opened the locker and pulled out the needed supplies for his first hour class. He felt the gentlest of taps on his shoulder and turned around to examine. What he saw was a girl, with brown hair and glasses. When he looked closer, he noticed that her eyes were also brown.
"Um...hi." Sebastian said with a tilt of his head. The girl looked almost scared to speak as she clutched the fabric of her jeans.
"Hi...I just wanted to see if you were alright." She shoved her hands into her pocket to keep them from shaking. "I-I mean...I saw what those guys did to your locker..." Sebastian smiled gently as she was talking.
"Just another day in paradise." Sebastian said "Those guys don't bother me anymore." The words he said sounded hollow and empty because they were not the truth. Sebastian is only human, and it felt as though his heart had just been whipped and deep scars were left there. He acted like it didn't hurt, but it always did. It was the words that pained him the most. "Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me right?" Sebastian forced himself to smile and finally convinced the girl he was fine.
"I'm Libby, nice to meet you." She held her hand out and Sebastian shook it.
"I'm Sebastian, great to meet you too." There was a moment of quiet before Libby racked up the nerve to talk.
"Are you emo?" She asked with a serious look in her eyes. Sebastian paused for a minute, then he rolled up his sleeves to reveal his wrists. She sighed with relief to see that they were clean. "So, how do you handle those guys? I mean, you don't even seem upset."
"Lot of practice." He smiled and pulled his sleeves back down. "There's nothing they can say that I haven't already heard." Libby gave a sympathetic look but Sebastian just continued to smile. "Don't feel pity for me, I don't need it." He pushed his bag up on his shoulder as a teacher walked by.
"Hood down in the building." He commanded as he passed.
"Good to see you too Mr. Edwards!" Sebastian called after the man while pushing down his hood. "No one likes the goth guy, not even teachers."
"Well, I like you..." Libby murmured hoping to comfort Sebastian.
"That's a first, see ya later." Sebastian muttered and walked off to his first class.
He approached the math classroom and pushed open the door gently. When he entered the class went silent and they all stared at him. The teacher walked into the classroom and commanded Sebastian to sit. He searched around the room for an empty seat. He found one pretty much away from all the student eyes. He sat down in the seat and directed his gaze forward. He felt a folded piece of paper hit his hand and he stared at it confused. Finally, after a few moments he opened it.
"Hi! I'm Dawn, I'm new. Mind showing me around?" Is what he read. He looked over to his right and noticed a girl with brown hair and grey eyes. She wore a red scarf, an unzipped black jacket, and a friendly smile. Sebastian thought about it for a moment before nodding his head at the girl. The girl's smile grew bigger when she noticed he had said yes. They both looked back to the front and attempted to focus on the lesson.
Author's Comment: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words attack my soul.
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