New girl
there was too many people. there was another student, male, coyote i reckoned, that was whispering to his friends, looking my way. he walked over to me. i hoped he wasn't the 'Hey i like u' type. and he wasn't.
"New girl?" he asked, looking at me.
"Ya, howed you know?" i asked him.
"Well, i could sort of just..."
"Know? Like i knew that you were a Coyote Myro?"
he looked surprised. "Um, ya. sort of. My names Leo. like the constellation."
"Woo!" i cheered. i had just beaten everyone in the class at Bullets. you have to make the most bullseyes. i had won.
a couple kids came up and patted me on the back, all of them proud. a few said i would be good on the team, but i didn't know what it was.
the end of class, sadly.
6th per.
i transformed and was surprised when everyone gasped. "Wolf Myro. Ultra Rare. Dark Element. Powers: reading minds, karkaing (Throwing your voice to confuse enemies), shifting shadows and Call Of The Pack" the teacher said. he told me to Karka. i tried and everyone was amazed.
after school, they all wanted to buy or trade Myros. i soon found out why. i was the only Wolf.
letter from the author:
please please please create characters for me to use in this! I'm running out of ideas and this is your chance to be in this book!
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