The last of the hudsons

I swallowed hard.
"Oi sir"
"Hard to believe a kid got enough money for a ticket of this price"
"I worked very hard fer it sir."
He stared at me hard. I just kept walking since people were shouting for me to hurry up. I walked on the platform and looked at the beautiful hudson on the point of the train.
"How long does she have left?!" I hollered up to the man in the cab.
"Last runs get in your compartment before we depart kid."
Something black and hard then hit me on the back of the head.
"Sorry 'bout that kid knda hard to hear next to a steam locomotive isnt it, any way that piece is for you if they dont accept it in the car ill give ya another piece when we get to California."
The engineer gave me a lump of coal I figured since it was the last streamlined hudson the money from the chunk of coal would be substantial. In the train there were lots of things; a parlour, diningroom, fine china, and beds with feather pillows. On the line we had a race with a T-1 from the Pennsylvania railroad. We beat it by a mile and a half. When we got to California they turned around and started the 15 hour journey again for the last time sweet dreams hudson #5354.
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