The beginning of a relationship? (skip to next friday)

Dusk headed toward Sonic's. There was another party there and she wanted to apologize to Silver for being such an asshole. It was still pretty early on in the afternoon so she could hang out at the party for a while before band practice. She arrived at the door and knocked.
Sonic opened the door. "Hey Dusk glad you decided to show up!" Dusk nodded, "Thanks for having me over."
Dusk walked inside and headed straight to the drinks table. She grabbed and Arizona green tea. She spotted Silver starring at her like he was waiting for her to try and kill him.
Dusk walked over to him. "Hey Silver. Sorry about last time you saw me I was in fight or flight."
Silver continued to look scared of Dusk, "No problem."
Dusk knew she was going to look like a total crazy person if she didn't explain exactly why she acted the way she did. Gosh she hated having to explain this to anyone. " Silver, I really am sorry about what happened. I have PTSD and when I found my gun gone I had a flashback. I was shaken up. I'm really sorry."
Silver looked at Dusk, "It's all good It wouldn't be the first time someone has tried to kill me."
Dusk was surprised "who else has tried to kill you?"
"Eh some pain in the back named Coldsteel."
Dusk nodded,"I heard about that. Sounds like Sonic is still pretty mad about it?"
Silver frowned a little, " Sonic is usually pretty forgiving but I think having another hedgehog stronger than him who could deal with insults still has him a little shaken up. His biggest weapon is his words usually making the opponent lose focus on the fight. That doesn't work with Coldsteel."
"That makes sense it's never fun to run into someone stronger than you."
Silver smiled a little, " I guess your right, Hey Dusk thanks for apologizing, I know you didn't mean to do what you did."
Dusk nodded, " It won't happen again. Nice seeing you she said as she walked over to talk to some other people at the party."
Silver nodded and walked over to get some food. Dusk went over to where Knuckles was standing and talked with him and Sonic for a while.
Later on she got a text.
Coldsteel: Hey where are you? you usually are at the garage early.
Dusk: At a party be over in a sec.
Darn it she had completely forgotten about band practice. Dusk thanked Sonic for having her and than ran over to the garage. To her surprise Scourge was already there. That was weird he was never early. Dusk looked around for Coldsteel and saw him in the back talking to someone over the phone. She walked over to the couch in the corner of the garage and flopped herself down with her guitar practicing it while waiting for Coldsteel to get off the phone. Scourge walked over and sat down next to her, "Hey babe."
Dusk looked up "Dusk"
Scourge looked confused, "sorry what?"
"I my name is Dusk."
Scourge nodded " Okay Dusk."
"Did you really not know my name."
"Yah I mean it's not like you exactly talk to anyone all that much."
"Fair enough, grab your base you should start warming up before practice"
Scourge nodded and grabbed his guitar.
They sat on the couch practicing their guitars. A little while later Coldsteel hung up on the phone and walked over. "Alright lets get to work everyone, Mephiles won't be here today."
Dusk nodded, as they practiced she took a lot of correction from Coldsteel. Scourge on the other hand was not doing well with the constructive feedback Coldsteel had for him. He keep taking as an insult even though Coldsteel just wanted to help him out.
After practicing for a few hours everyone was finished with practice. Dusk sat back down on the couch. She was exhausted and hadn't slept in a few days. The missions she had been on had left her without sleep or food. Dusk had gone a few days without eating due to the high tab from the bar last Friday. Her missions had made her some money but she had mostly been using it for paying the bills.
Dusk watched as Scourge argued with Coldsteel about how he should be holding is guitar. " Scourge I'm telling you your going to hurt your shoulder if you wear the strap like that. the guitar shouldn't be that high up on you." "I think I know what I'm doing Steel can't you just mind you own buisness."
This was hilarious to watch Scourge continued to rant on about how he could do what he wanted with his guitar. Dusk called from the couch, "Take his advice Scourge, you look really dumb with the guitar that high up. Can you just admit it your wrong?"
Scourge looked at Dusk "what the... I can admit I'm wrong! I just like to wear the guitar like this!'
Dusk started to laugh, "Your literally just proving you can't admit your wrong." Dusk walked over to Scourge and took the guitar from him adjusting the shoulder strap. She put it back over his head. "See isn't that better?" "I guess it is" Scourge huffed.
As Dusk walked back over to the couch Coldsteel whispered "Thanks Dusk he never would have left it fixed it if I was the one who tried to adjust his strap." "No problem." Dusk sat back down on the couch. Scourge and Coldsteel sat on either side of her.
Dusk felt like she could fall asleep right on the couch right then but she forced herself to stay awake, she would get to sleep when she got back home. Coldsteel looked at Dusk "You okay Dusk? you look like you just got hit by a semi- truck."
"Yah just haven't slept in a while" Coldsteel nodded. "I'm going to be here for a while if you want to go to sleep." Dusk nodded "Okay thanks."
Coldsteel walked off to work of some of the band equipment. Scourge remained sitting next to Dusk. "Hey would you mind giving me your number." Dusk shrugged I don't see any reason not to. Scourge handed her his phone and she put her number in.
"I'm going to text the number to make sure that you didn't give me a fake number." Scourge said typing out a text on his phone. A second later Dusk's phone got the text. She picked up her phone are read it.
Scourge: Hey want to go and a date?
Dusk: Why not? Where would we go?
Scourge: Here and now?
Dusk: Sure
Scourge put down his phone. "Coldsteel had a point you do look like you got run over by a car."
Dusk laughed "I guess that's what happens if I go long enough without sleep." Or food she thought.
Scourge pulled Dusk closer to him on the couch. Dusk tensed up she wasn't used to people touching her. Scourge picked up a remote and turned the TV across from the couch on. "What's your favorite movie?" He asked.
Dusk thought for a while. "I like this really cheesy movie called Free Guy." Scourge nodded and turned it on.
Scourge was enjoying the movie with Dusk, Coldsteel had already left telling Scourge to close up the garage when he left. Dusk was exhausted and without realizing it fell asleep and while asleep curled up close to Scourge her head resting against his shoulder and her hand resting on his chest with her legs folded at her side. (Chapter picture)
Scourge felt Dusk move to her current position and looked at her. How sweet she was asleep curled up against him. He wrapped his arm around her as she continued the sleep. The movie wasn't even half way finished when Dusk fell asleep. Scourge enjoyed feeling the weight of her resting against him. It had been a while since something like this had happened to him with someone he actually liked. He squeezed Dusk closer to him as he continued to watch the movie.
Dusk was in a deep sleep she didn't know where she was or why but she did know something warm was near her and she didn't need to worry about it hurting her. A gun shot went off and suddenly she was back in the room with the portal Dylan was being killed again he was pushing her through the portal again and she couldn't do anything to save him......
Scourge felt Dusk tense as a gun shot when off in the movie. Her ear was twitching and she was clearly having a nightmare. Scourge wasn't sure what to do so he gave her another squeeze and whispered. "It's okay it isn't real." Dusk relaxed again and clearly was back to just sleeping.
Dusk was reliving the moment again but than something different happened, someone was there warm and safe. It was telling her this wasn't real. She went back into a deep sleep with no more flashbacks.
The movie continued and Dusk woke up slowly finding herself curled up against Scourge. As she was about to move when Dusk heard Scourge say it's alright as he squeezed her close to him again. Dusk stayed curled up against him as snuggled against his warm body. They sat together for a while and finished the movie.
When the movie was over Dusk realized for once in her life she didn't want to move away from the person she was next too. She didn't want to get up and leave. She wanted to be here next to Scourge forever.
A second later Dusk felt Scourge stand up. She felt herself leaving the ground and looked up to see Scourge had picked her up in bridal carry style. "Where do you live I can run you there."
Dusk was a little surprised was Scourge really offering to run her home? It made sense he was just as fast as Sonic but she just couldn't believe he was really offering to take her home.
Dusk gave Scourge her address and in a few seconds they were at her house. Scourge carried her to the door and put her down. "Nice hanging with you tonight." He said before he planted a kiss on her forehead and ran off.
Dusk went inside her house. She took a shower and was about to go to bed when her phone buzzed. She picked it up to see it was a text from Scourge.
Scourge: Would you want to grab coffee with me tomorrow?
Dusk: Sounds nice.
Scourge: Okay, see you there around 9:00 ish?
Dusk: That works for me.
Scourge: So are we officially an item?
Dusk: Do you want to be?
Scourge: Yah
Dusk: Okay I can deal with that.
Scourge: See you tomorrow. Night ❤
Dusk: Night
Dusk put her phone on the charger. Had she really just gotten herself a boyfriend? So many people had asked her if she would date them. Why had she said yes to Scourge of all people? Would this even work out? So many questions were racing through Dusk's mind, she shrugged and got into bed she wouldn't know the answer to any of her questions unless she just let this play out. With that she fell asleep.
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