Odd One Out

Odd One Out

Kara is a girl who tries to fit in with the cool kids - but they don't fit in with her!

published on July 01, 2014not completed


Class You walk with Sage to class.
"Looks like it's Art up first."
You run to the art room and go in. You sit next to a girl with short pink hair.
"Hey, I'm Sinya. You must be colored-eye-girl?" she smiles.
I hide my face in embarrassment. "Uh, yeah, you've heard that?"
"Yeah, Leona told me. But it's okay, I don't give a crap about it. You're fine."
"Really?" I look at her and smile.
"Yeah, in fact, I think it's really awesome!"
Sage comes and sits down next to me.
"Hey Sage!"
"Hey Sinya!"
"Are you guys friends?" I ask.
"H*ll yeah we're friends!" Sage says. "Sinya is my SISTER!!!"
"Ohh!" I laugh. "Right! How come you guys look so different?"
"We just have different personalities I guess!"
"Cool! Anyway, my names Kara."
"Nice t' meet you!"
"You too!"
"Okay everybody!" the art mistress calls, "Today we're going to paint our favorite animal! Just grab a canvas and get started!"
I get one for Sage and Sinya. We chat all through art and I am glad that for once, I have my friends to support me.
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Comments (4)

I love it! Oh and i can tell she and most likly you are british
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on June 05, 2015
I like it
About Author
on April 12, 2015
About Author
on April 08, 2015
Great so far! Add more plz! :)
About Author
on July 01, 2014