Dancing In The Dark

Anton Zaslavski and Jeff Montalvo are two guys who may have opposite personalities but soon they start to understand each other

published on January 18, 2017not completed


   Finally the time came. The festival began. Some of Anton's friends were there and some of Jeff's friends were there as well. Luckily for Arkadi, who wasn't able to make it, the entire festival was live streamed. There were cameras everywhere, but it was normal for celebrities. Especially during concerts and festivals.
   After a ton of fellow DJs played their sets, they were announced. "Taking a back to back set to a whole new level. New friends, Zedd and Seven Lions". Anton and Jeff got to have their moment of joy. The lights shut off and fans cheered.
   The mashup between Anton and Jeff's songs started playing and Anton was dancing the night away. Their performance left the crowd speechless. No one ever thought that Zedd and Seven Lions would perform together. With Anton's upbeat electro house music and Jeff's melodic dubstep, the performance was a favorite to everyone. Arkadi, back at home was mesmerized at how they performed. It wasn't like any ordinary set. The crowd was dancing and was head banging like Jeff who does it with his long brown hair in his face. However the final song of the mashup was a song that was never released. "This is our new song, 'Dancing In The Dark'". The song played and was a combination of the upbeat and gothic music that they made.
   The performance concluded with everyone cheering and screaming from the top of their lungs. Anton was so happy he was actually crying. Surprisingly, Jeff had a huge smile on his face. They hugged while the fans cheered.
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