You Know That They're Going To Ship This

"Yes." Slenderman said. "I invited your mother, so go get dressed into something fancy." He carried Julia back to her room and left. Stitch laid on the bed with a black dress with a white ribbion tied around it, black buckle shoes, and a white ribbion to tie in her hair. "Thanks Stitch, this is by far the craziest day I ever had." She sighed. "Turn around Stitch." Stitch disappeared and Julia got dressed. Someone knocked on her door and Lost Silver came in with Sally. "Oh you look so pretty!" Sally said. "You tied your bow wrong. Want me to try?" She asked. "Sure." Julia said. Lost Silver blushed and smiled at her. Julia blushed and smiled back. "Ew! You like Julia!" Sally teased. "Wh-What?"
"Since when did you become Hoodie?" Sally joked. Lost Silver playfully punched Sally in the arm. "Wait, wait, wait!" Sally said pushing Lost Silver next to Julia. The bed squeaked as Lost Silver was forced onto the bed next to Julia. Sally pushed the two closer together and Julia played along. She wrapped Lost Silver in a hug and Sally took a picture. "You guys do know that some people are going to ship this right?" Sally said looking at you.... that's right, YOU! Julia kept hugging Lost Silver, but he didn't seem to mind. "How far can you get before his face goes red like a tomato?" Sally laughed. Julia kissed his cheek and he started to blush. "Nope. Not red enough." Sally said. Julia gave Lost Silver an evil smile. "You must be related to Ben." He sighed. Julia put her hand on his knee and leaned in. Lost Silver was blushing like crazy now and Sally laughed. "Okay that's enough. We won't torture you anymore for tonight L.S." Sally said. Julia let go of Lost Silver and mouthed the words sorry. Lost Silver got up his face still red. "Wait, I need a ride you guys." Julia said. Before nayone could do anything, Julia leaped onto Lost Silver's back. "Onwards my trusty steed!" She yelled.
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