Insane Without You (Sapphire X Domanic)

During her time when she was working for Eggman, when she was under orders to kill the Mobians who would soon become her friends, she was not alone. Another hedgehog accompanied her in the mission: Domanic. Though he was cunning and somewhat flirtatious, he was the only person who kept Sapphire company.
And yet, a part of her hated him in that time. Domanic was always a tattle-tale towards the vain and vicious Dr. Eggman. She hated how every time she finally gained the freedom to do what she wanted, he always had to watch her every move.
But at the same time, she needed him close to her.
Not want.
His company was what comforted her. His aura sent her a message whenever he was near: "You are not alone." A message that every girl wants to hear, but rarely does. And Sapphire was lucky that she felt this message when she was near Domanic.
Yet another Mobian has fallen to the hands of the merciless Domanic the Hedgehog. Looking over on his next weak victim, a part of him reaches out and shouts, "Stop!" A voice that sounded exactly like his love, Sapphire.
Looking over his shoulder, he can see his master, Eggman, nodding at him to drag the weakling at his feet back to the airship. But again, Sapphire's voice cried out to him to stop, and to think.
Was this right? What he was doing? He normally relishes in his dominance, at the proof that he was the stronger of the two fighters. But this time, all he could feel was guilt. Regret.
Sapphire's warm and gentle aura was all he could feel around him. Her sweet voice, telling him to stop.
Normally, anything told to him, he would ignore it, and continue his duties. But this time, he just couldn't. Sapphire was his ray of light, the one who showed him what was right, and what was wrong. And he knew this was wrong. He helped his victim-turned-friend up to their feet, before walking off, towards Sapphire's home.
A faint knock echoed through Sapphire's living room, to which Sapphire's answer was to slowly approach the door, and slide it open.
"I have to tell you something, Sapphire," was Domanic's first reply.
"What is it?"
"I just realised something. About us."
"I have too."
For a moment, they looked into each others' eyes. They thought the same thing? It can't be possible... can it?
Joining their hands, the two took a final glance, before releasing their feelings in perfect synchronisation: "I'm insane without you."
Sapphire's shocked response only made Domanic pull her towards him, embracing her into his warm arms.
All they needed to stay sane, and to keep breathing...
was each other.
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Willow x Rubix (couple pic up on my wall)
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