My Life (2)

This is introducing myself, but I ain't gonna give you it straight. Pick up the hints. Will be 5 chapters. 1 chapter released a day or so.

published on August 26, 2015not completed


        I sat in my chair staring at the screen. I'd been listening to the music that "spoke" to me, and I started to slowly fade into mulling over my life. I'd started life great. I grew up with a (fake) loving pair of grandparents. I went to a some shmancy private school. Finances were tight and I moved to the worst school ever. I'd been naive and happy, but then I would get bullied. I was told the all time lie, "Sticks and Stones may break my bones", which made me fade. I was like some faded out neon shirt, no longer colorful.

        I floated through school, my mom and dad tried to help, it didn't help long. I liked books before, but by third grade they were my escape. By Seventh grade I finally decided after so many years of a constant death option that I wouldn't let them control me. But no, life at home became my private torture dungeon. I began fading again, and finally at the end of the school year I moved in with my parents.

        My mom knows and is understanding. My dad was quiet and wise. My friends were caring and jovial. I admit I'm still quite the depressed introvert. Hell, I spend most of the day in front of a screen, or rather hiding behind them. I've picked up a few habits and fluent career choices. I've always wanted to be a small pet, local vet. Being an artist or character designer for video games would be so much fun. Writing would be pretty cool, even story writing for video games. I'm already making a book!

        I talk a lot and can't think about 1 thing. I might have a bit of ADHD and OCD. I organize the dishes by color and everything must have a pattern. I prefer things to be neat, but oddly enough I can never organize my room or locker, oddly enough. Then again everyone has a little bit of everything. I'd probably be most like Rd, AJ, or Twily. Or from Toradora! the Palmtop Tiger. I'm insane. I'm most like a cat. Which means naps are a must and so is being finiky. I have short term memory and I have anger issues. I'm also stubborn, loyal, have a quiet wisdom, act beyond my years, careful, and love food.

        My mornings are mundane to me, but others have their own opinion. Why do I talk like I'm the narrator of my own life. To zone out when IDC.
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