Raven The Soul-Catcher

"Don't do it."
"But I'm bored."
"He's going to kill you."
"Eh, I'm doing it." She threw the spear at them, stabbing into the wood right next to Rain's face. His eyes snapped open and he screamed, short yet loud. Nightmare threw his scythe at Blaise. She yelped and dove out of the way, a second before it stabbed into the dirt. It dug deep into the earth from its sharpness alone. He pulled Rain close to him and growled at Blaise, furious.
Blaise swallowed, nervous, "Sorry..?"
Rain cuddled Nightmare and looked up at him. I could tell we both knew a angry Nightmare was a dangerous one.
"She won't do that again, will she?"
He hesitated then relaxed, blushing. He sighed.
"She better not, or else I'll actually aim for her next time."
"At this point I would be okay with it..." Rain mumbled.
"You have been warned, Blaise." He wrapped his wings around him protectively, snuggling him. Rain snuggled back and fell asleep again.
As soon as Nightmare was asleep again Blaise looked at the scythe in the ground.
"I know what your going to do, Blaise. Don't touch it. It's a ancient dark wea-"
She pulled the scythe out of the ground, and smiled at the dark scythe, "Aha!"
I facepalmed, "What's wrong with you."
"I always wanted to see what this things like." She grinned and swung the blade around, getting the feel for it. She accidentally stabbed the blade into the ground and had to rip it out again.
"This things so unbalanced, how the hell does Nightmare use it??"
"It called to him. He said so."
"Ok, so maybe it only works for him. But still it's weird."
She swung it around some more, then posed.
"I am the great million year old bastard, Nightmare. FEAR ME MORTALS!"
Suddenly the scythe flared to life, symbols popping to life along the blade and handle of the dark scythe. Shadows trickled out of the symbols, running up toward Blaise's arm. She yelped and dropped it with a clatter. Reluctantly the snaking tendrils of darkness retreated back into the glowing marks, returning to normal.
"What the... SERIOUSLY what IS this thing??"
"It's an ancient dark magicked weapon known for its destructive abilities. What did you think it would do?"
"I dunno, make me feel strong."
"You don't even know what ancient weapons can do, do you?"
"Well um... I never researched it. Or um... Wanted to learn anything about them until now."
"They are LITERALLY covered with enchantments and ancient magic. It doesn't work for just anyone, Blaise. Most of these things kill or badly maim people who misuse it."
"Again, what the hell is Nightmare doing with a weapon that can kill him?"
"I don't think it hurts him."
"Hmmm let me try something."
She picked up the scythe and closed her eyes. The scythe glowed slightly, responding to her. She stabbed it into the ground and darkness shot out like a small wave, but instead of hurting or changing anything it morphed into the shape of a human.
"Woah, what the..." Blaise muttered. I instantly got up and shoved Blaise to the side, bringing out my sword.
"What did you summon Blaise." I said seriously, not taking my eyes off of it.
"I-I don't know what that is."
The shadow had pure white eyes, glowing faintly. It's shape was that of a humanoid, yet the edges of its form seemed almost fluid, constantly shifting. It was impossible to tell whether it was female or male, real or fake, Midlander or foreigner. There was faint symbols running down the middle of its torso, similar to the symbols on Nightmares famed scythe.
It looked at us, and I felt a small shiver run down my spine. I could answer one question, however, this thing was powerful. The shadow raised a eyebrow at us, then shrugged and went over to Nightmare. It nudged him and spoke, but... What it spoke wasn't words exactly. It sounded like whispers along the wind, the shivering of dry paper brushing against itself.
Nightmare woke up, gently put Rain down, then glared at us.
"What. Did. You. Do."
"Easy easy," Blaise mumbled quickly, "I may or may not have touched your scythe thingy and-"
He growled, "Did you hurt Raven!?"
"Who...?" I asked, glancing at the shadow person.
It spoke to Nightmare again. He went from enraged to a calmer, mocking, tone.
"Oh, so she's just an idiot."
It nodded and went behind Nightmare. Blaise being the person she is shouted.
"What did that thing just say!?"
"This "thing" is Raven. Raven meet Blaise and Scratch. Blaise and Scratch, Raven."
Raven bowed and spoke, it's voice sounding like many different voices whispering as one.
"I haven't met you before, Angel and Night angel. What are your powers?"
"It.. He.. She.. THEY talk.." Blaise mumbled, surprised. I just stared, not sure what to say.
"Yes, I do."
Nightmare grumbled.
"Now give me my scythe, Blaise."
"Wait did I summon Raven..?"
"He warned me someone was messing around with my scythe without my permission. Or, more specifically, someone was messing around with him."
"HE'S your scythe!?"
This time Raven spoke, giving me goosebumps.
"To be more exact I am the embodiment of every soul this blade has ever taken, and I am technically not alive, but I like to appear as this to satisfy mortals curiosity."
"You- I- So your just a bunch of souls sewn together and shoved in a weapon?"
"That is a rough says of it, but yes."
"Why didn't you tell us someone was living in your scythe, Nightmare?? This seems kind of important." Blaise kept going.
"For one, it's none of your business. Two, he does not like to come out unless he has to, and three technically he isn't someone. Think of him as a AI."
Raven nodded, "I am artificial."
"That is so freaking cool," I mumbled. All I could think of was what this could mean if used correctly. If Raven stole souls and used them to fuel himself, then I wonder what would happen if this technology was used to bring people back from the dead? You could simply store a soul and plunk it in another body or item for say, and-
I stopped myself. That was going too far, even for me. While theoretically it would work, I don't think Nightmare would let me research Raven... Nor would it be wise to bring people back to life at any time.
Raven looked at me and bowed, "It is nice to meet you, Scratch."
Nightmare took his scythe from Blaise.
"If you touch Raven again I'll destroy you. He's not a toy, he's a weapon and a friend."
Blaise swallowed, "I'll keep that in mind."
"What's his real name?", I asked, "According to legends only Ravens user can say it. It just disappears or something from other people's minds."
"Why would I tell you?" The question caught me off guard. Embarrassed I shuffled my feet a bit.
"I- Um- I'm curious?"
"That's a secret best left for fairytales." He said, sheathing his scythe.
Raven bowed to Nightmare and smiled, "I shall leave now, master Abaddon. And remember if you need me you can summon me anytime." He faded away.
"ABADDON?!" Blaise burst out, incredulous, "Am I the only one not told that his real name was ABADDON??"
"Blaise, shut up.." I mumbled, but she must not have heard me.
"Doesn't it mean like 'Destructive one' or something? Like, how perfect is that??"
Nightmare narrowed his eyes.
"Scratch, you've got five seconds."
Catching his meaning I desperately turned to Blaise.
"Um, Blaise, maybe you shouldn't keep saying stuff like that..? You know, he's kind of sensitive about his past and he prefers to be called Nightma-"
"Yeah but ABADDON?? It's just- It's so OLD of a name. Only weird, old, demons and angels had names like that! That was SOOO long ago. I get it was old in Abaddon's time too."
Rain woke up, blinking in confusion.
"W-whats going on?"
Blaise continued on recklessly, spouting whatever was in her mind. I cringed at every word, glancing at Nightmares face.
"Like ABADDON what kind of dumbass, picture perfect name is that? I expected it to be something cool and evil, sort of like-" Nightmare put the long blade of his scythe behind Blaise's neck, and yanked her in so they were looking eye to eye. His expression was blank,
Blaise swallowed, suddenly scared, "y-you know what... Abaddons a GREAT name. Really just.. Wonderful y'know..?"
"That's what I thought. One more word about it and I'll show you what happens when you die. And trust me, it's not fun." He removed his scythe and shoved her away. Rain was still trying to comprehend what was going on, confused.
"Don't call me by my birthname," Abaddon continued, "Unless your Rain. He has the right to do it because unlike you he's not a asshole about it. Now then, never touch my scythe, stop waking me up with spears, and shut the hell up before I cut out your tongue. Understand?"
"Yeah..." She was obviously trying to hold back more comments, solely to save her own life.
"I'm going to bed. If you have a problem then deal with it yourself." He vanished. The crystal around Rain's neck glowed, so I figured he was inside it.
"Great. Now he's upset," I mumbled. Rain looked down at the crystal then at Blaise and I.
"What just happened.."
"Blaise pissed him off and summoned his scythe without permission, then basically deadnamed him 500 times in a row."
"I seriously don't understand you Blaise."
"Hey I was bored, and curious. I couldn't help myself," She excused.
"Still doesn't give you a right to mess with his stuff OR say his name that he CLEARLY doesn't want other people saying!!" I was surprised at how angry Rain sounded. I had a bad feeling a argument was about to take place, and knowing I'm usually the mediator wasn't too comforting.
"Hey listen he didn't kill me, he didn't even use magic. I think he's FINE. He's just annoyed that's all. I mean, I found one thing out. His scythe is possessed by a guy named raven. At least I think it was a guy, cause he used he/him pronouns. But he sounded like a boy, a girl, and just... A lot of people. He said he was basically every soul that was ever taken by the scythe's blade."
"That's what nightmares weapon does," I said, "Literally, I did the research. It steals certain people's souls when they die, using them to sustain nightmares life force longer then normal peoples. Since he's dead it doesn't matter, but the fact is the more people he killed with that the stronger his dark magic becomes."
"OH so if we took it he would be weaker?"
"No, he would be mad."
"And Blaise your dumbass summoned it? If Nightmare wanted this guy to be seen he would have shown it, if he wanted you to say his real name he would have told you, if he wanted you to toy around with his weapon he would have gave it to you." Rain said, frustrated.
"I didn't mean to summon it! It just sort of happened.. I tried using magic with it and it just, I don't know, popped out? Besides he's too attached to that dang scythe. He would never have let any of us use it."
"BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOURS IT'S HIS!!" Rain shouted angrily.
"Well EXCUSE ME but I think he should share sometimes- I share my spear."
"Share what!? His weapon!? Why the fvck would he share that!? It's not a damn toy!!"
"Because it's a ancient weapon dumbass!! If he was smart he would share it so I wouldn't get curious enough to-"
"ENOUGH! Stop fighting!" I shouted, interrupting them. Rain growled at Blaise, and Blaise glared back.
"Let's just all calm the heck down, alright?" I said slowly, looking at each of them in turn.
"Alright.." Rain mumbled.
"Fine..." Blaise agreed.
"Good. Now listen up, we have a lot of land we need to cover."
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu