Old Phantoms Never Fade

Unfortunately, my dreams were not any better then reality.
I stood outside in the streets of my old town, leaning against a wall with a apple in my hand. I took a bite out of it, bored. I was only there for my mother. I checked the date. It seemed oddly familiar... It made me feel guilty for some odd reason... But I paid it no heed. This was a normal day, in my normal life. Nothing was going to change.
'May this curse be laid upon the one who invokes it, the one destined to bring about a new change..."
I flinched and looked around. Where had that voice come from...? It sounded.. It sounded like a cold whisper in my ear. A voice so old and so overlapped it was as if a snake were speaking in my mind. Before I could question it I saw Nico. He ran up to me and smiled brightly, all my worry vanishing at once.
"Hey Abaddon, what are you waiting for?"
This isn't... This isn't right...
"Oh nothing. My mom said she had a surprise for me. You know, since it's my birthday and all."
"How old are you turning?" He kissed my cheek and smiled at me. I smiled back, a bit uneasy. I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was wrong.
"18 already? I mean, I'm not surprised. Our birthdays are in the same year. Speaking of your birthday-"
He pulled out a small present. It was wrapped up ever so neatly, a little gold bow on purple paper. I smiled and took it.
'Thou shalt not rest, thou shalt lose what thee deems worthy...'
I dropped the present.
"Are you ok Abaddon? It's not like you to be clumsy."
"Y-yeah, sorry. It just slipped."
Nico smiled warmly at me, excited.
"Well hurry up and open the present! I can't wait to see the look on your face."
I bent down and gently picked it up, dusting off some dirt from the gravel road. I unwrapped it, but before I opened the box I smirked at Nico.
"You sure? I mean, I dunno if I wanna open it."
"Oh come on, pleeaaassee?"
I smiled, a playful tone in my voice.
"Oh I dunno, what if, I don't know, it's a box of spiders. Or bees. Or maybe a spell to transport me to the ocean and drown?"
"Be realistic, I would NEVER do that." He smiled.
I slowly started to lift the lid up then stopped again. "Can you give me a hint on what's inside?"
"Abaddon!" He laughed and playfully punched my arm. I giggled.
"I'm just messing with you, I'm going to open it now.... OR-"
"Oh shush." He kissed me lightly and giggled. I blushed and smiled.
'Thou shalt endure until the clock strikes three... Thou shall never forget their pain. Not even in thou grave.'
I paused. A thought came to me, a memory, and I got scared.
"Nico.. How did we meet?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just tell me, please."
He smiled, "Why, we met at the coffee shop just down the road. You looked so alone that I decided to come over."
My eyes widened. I put my hands on Nico's shoulders.
"N-Nico.. That's not it. Do you remember Raven? Our hideouts? ANYTHING?"
He looked confused.
"Abaddon, what are you talking about? Are you alright? You look a little pale there.... Abaddon?"
I didn't hear his words. They simply didn't register. In the distance I heard Nico's voice, but it was different. It was.. weak. Like a half remembered melody in my mind.
Suddenly I was transported in a clearing. I crouched on the grass, laying next to the bloody body of... Nico.
My eyes widened. I held him close to me. I thought over and over in my mind, 'This can't be happening, it isn't real... This can't be happening! It's just a dream...'
He laid a soft hand on my cheek. I flinched and looked at him, tears already forming in my eyes. I gently laid my hand over his, my lip trembling uncontrollably.
"Don't go... Please don't go Nico. I-I can't do this I... I can't lose you again. Not like this."
"A-Abaddon... I love you." His hand slipped out of my grasp, limp. I stared at him.
"N-No!! Stay with me... Please... I-I..." Tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't do it. I can't handle it. It's too much... Why did this have to happen to me?? Why couldn't I forget him? Why why why WHY!?
I tore at my hair, feeling all of my old stress rising within me. I couldn't do it. He's gone, my mother is gone, everyone... My life... I've lost everything all over again...
I gasped and sat up, shaking my head. It was a dream... Everything's fine...
On the outside.
"Nightmare...? Are you alright?"
I looked at him. My eyes felt wet, brimming with tears. I blinked and rested my head against the front of Rain's shoulder, hiding my face. I nodded.
"J-Just a bad dream."
Rain held me close. I felt.. I felt safe. I felt like I could trust him. No matter what life threw at me, I would stay by him.
But then again.. That's how I felt about Nico too. And he died in my arms.
"I'm sorry... But it was just a dream. Everything's alright."
I buried my face in his shirt and took a deep unsteady breathe, so close to breaking down. But I couldn't cry... If I did, Blaise would mock me. Or Rain would think lesser of me. Or SOMETHING. I shut my eyes, a few tears escaping no matter how hard I tried to hold them back.
But I didn't feel scared. Not very much, anyways. Rain made it better somehow... Maybe it was the smell of roses that always surrounded him, my favorite flower. Or maybe it was the way he held me. Either way, I felt better. I felt.. Hopeful.
Rain rubbed my back, comforting me. In my life, only two others made me feel as safe and secure as I did now. Only two others ever helped me out, made me feel worth something.
For as long as I knew, people had hurt me... But these people had treated me with love and kindness, like any other being.
It wouldn't be crazy to think of Rain as the third person... would it?
After a moment I took a shaky breathe, getting myself together. Once I was ready I sat up again, pulling away from Rain slightly.
"You feeling better?"
"Yeah.. Thank you."
"Anything for you."
I looked into his eyes. He meant it. He REALLY meant it. I still felt so emotional, my feelings bubbling within me, I couldn't help it.
I kissed him.
And it felt good.
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu