The Dark Warrior Walks

"No," she purred, "I'm not."
Out of nowhere a black spike shot out of the ground, stabbing Scratch through the stomach with no warning. His eyes widened and he coughed out some blood. The spike slid back into the ground and he fell to the ground. Blaise looked about three second from charging in there but she withheld, growling. She silently counted under her breathe.
Scratch got up a bit, then fell backwards, his back against the wall. He looked really pale.
"When he passes out, chain him up and give him a hour. You know what I mean by that." She walked away, leaving the two guards with Scratch. He growled then coughed.
As soon as the queen was gone Blaise charged. She sliced at one guard, but he deflected the spear and counteracted. Scratch stumbled and leaned against a wall for support, then slid to the ground and held his stomach. He left a streak of blood on the wall.
I grabbed him and yanked him behind the barrels to safety. He was shaking slightly, sweaty. He coughed out some blood, the dark liquid dripping down his chin.
Blaise kept attacking the guards like a crazy person, ducking, stabbing, and slashing. Finally she killed them, panting. The guards appeared much tougher then first appearance implied.
"Are you ok Scratch!?" She looked at Scratch, worried beyond belief.
"I... I'm not sure."
"We need to take you back," I said concerned. His wound looked bad, and from his state no doubt it was poisoned or something.
"N-no, I'm o-ok.. B-besides I'm the o-only one who knows this p-place."
Blaise touched his cheek, "What if you die?"
I sighed, "Ok first of all look at you, you can barely walk much less fight. And yeah, you can die."
"T-this poison w-won't kill m-me. Just k-knock me out a-and hurt me a l-lot."
"You have a hole in your." said Blaise simply.
Scratch winced, "I-I know."
"What's the point of keeping you around if your just going to pass out??" I demanded.
Scratch growled and spat some blood on the ground, looking at me.
"C-cause either way I-I can't teleport a-away f-from here. T-there a-are enchantments a-around the castle."
Blaise growled, "Curse this place. Rain, put him on your back. I'll lead the way."
I nodded.
"Got it."
I picked him up. His blood soaked through the back of my shirt. He groaned a bit.
Blaise hefted her spear and started walking down the hall.
"O-other way..."
She growled and turned, obviously stressed.
"G-go r-right..."
She twirled around, going down another corridor. She mumbled, "Hang on Scratch, stay awake."
I followed right behind. Blaise walked quickly, glancing to either side.
"Which way?"
"G-go right then the cells sh..." He suddenly stopped talking.
"Scratch?" She looked back. He was passed out on my back, blood dripping from his mouth.
"He's out."
"Dammit! I swear to god I'm going to kill that bitch for hurting him. Let's see.. Go right.."
She turned right, revealing a bunch of damp cells. She ran down the corridor, looking into each of the cells. Finally she stopped in front of one.
"Found him!" I ran over, my worry and apprehension coming to the surface.
Nightmare was chained up, his arms over his head. Strange symbols floated around his wrists and ankles. He was cut up and bruised, his wings spread out on either side. But he looked annoyed more so then anything.
"I swear to god I'm not going to- oh. What are you doing here? It's too dangerous!"
"We're here to save your sorry ass." Blaise said
"What happened to Scratch?"
"He met the queen, that's all I'm saying."
"Got stabbed with something from the ground," I said, helpful.
Nightmare growled.
"I really appreciate you guys coming here but you shouldn't have. The queens nearby she can-"
"I know. Destroy us. I felt her aura. Just relax so I can free you, asshole." She stabbed the lock, opening the cell. She went in and snapped the chains as well. As she worked on the enchantments she started talking.
"So how did you get caught?"
"It was a trap. I didn't sense one, so I walked in and got these stupid enchantments on me. She wanted my scythe, my soul, and my information. I told her to go to hell."
"So THATS why your covered in your own blood. Interesting interesting."
He looked away.
"Shut up angel."
"Why would you go here in the first place? That's what I want to know." I asked
"I never wanted to go to the underworld. I instead went to a cave near my hideout. I didn't realize the demon gate was nearby, and personally, I didn't care. Demons aren't a match for me."
"Except for the queen, obviously." Blaise pointed out.
"No, we're equals actually. But she used a dirty trick on me..." He cursed a bit in his own language, and I was unable to follow. He started to stand then winced. He wrapped his wings about himself and slowly straightened.
"What did she do to you..?" Blaise asked, quiet.
"What do you think? She hurt me," He rested a hand on the wall, using it for support as he walked, "Let's hurry before she comes."
"Here, let me carry you or something. You look like your going to fall over."
"I'm fine." He narrowed his eyes at her.
"You don't look fine to me.." I said, worried. He looked away from me and sighed.
His palm glowed with black magic. He placed it against the wall, and huge cracks suddenly appeared in the stone. The wall crumbled and fell. He walked over the rubble, looking straight ahead intently. I almost slipped on something and looked down, only in horror to see black blood trailing from Nightmare. He was bleeding severely, it was obvious, but he never slowed once.
He went through each wall, destroying a path through it. With every piece of magic he used he looked paler, weaker. He avoided our gazes the whole time.
I was really worried for him. He needed to rest, but I wasn't sure if he would listen to me.
Finally he found the exit of the castle, bursting through the dungeon wall. He stumbled out and panted, catching his breathe.
"You should sit down or something."
"She's right."
"N-no... Let's keep going. As long as we're in this place we're going to be tracked and attacked."
Blaise looked him up and down, "Your bleeding. A lot."
"I've been through worse..." He wiped some blood from his mouth, looking away.
"It doesn't matter if you've been through worse you need to sit down."
For a moment I thought he would argue with me, then he winced. He sighed and collapsed, laying on his back.
"Y-yeah your right."
His dark wings were still wrapped around himself, covering his wounds for the most part. But the wounds that were still visible looked deep and painful.
I laid Scratch on the ground then sat next to Nightmare, digging around in my pocket.
"Your lucky I brought these with me." I took out some bandages.
"Jesus Nightmare- How did you stay conscience for so long? Using magic while your badly injured usually just hurts the person more." Blaise exclaimed
"I-I can't die, and either way, I'm not scared of passing out. If this body dies I'll just be transferred into the crystal anyways and pop out later once I'm healed."
"Still... Can you feel pain?"
He sighed, "Y-yeah."
"Then it's really not worth it."
I sighed, "Move your wings out of the way so I can bandage you."
Nightmare winced and did as told. He had deep cuts and stab wounds across his stomach and chest. They were short, and appeared small, but they looked really painful. His shirt was missing, and while he seemed well muscled it was hard to tell with all the bruises and blood.
I bit my lip, upset. Blaise's eyes widened.
"Holy- She really went all out on you huh?"
Nightmare ignored her for the time being. I carefully started bandaging him up. Every time I touched his wounds he winced and bit the inside of his cheek, but not once did he complain.
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu