Eggs with a side of poison, please

"I just remembered. We don't have an extra room for you. We have two rooms, which are used by Scratch and Blaise."
"It's fine, I'll sleep on the floor or something like that."
"Hmm I think you deserve a bed though. Blaise doesn't like me, but maybe I can ask Scratch to give up his bed and sleep with Blaise instead. I'm sure he won't mind. And if that doesn't work we have a big couch."
I was a bit touched he would do all that just so I could have a place to sleep, but I knew there was no way I could kick someone out of their own bed, in their own house, just because I needed it.
"I can sleep on the couch, I don't want to kick anyone out of their bed. They need the rest."
He shrugged.
"Alright, I'll get some blankets or something for you." He walked away. I looked around, the room seemed fairly spacious. There was a wall mounted tv on the wall, a few books scattered about, and a small-ish glass coffee table. There were signs of magic being practiced, such as a dent in the wall and some dark stain on the carpet, but overall it just added to the hominess.
After a moment Nightmare came back carrying a huge pile of blankets. He started putting them on the couch, making it look as comfortable as ever. I noticed he still held the rose, and he seemed to notice too. He quickly got a cup of water from the kitchen and dipped the rose into the water, then set it gently on the coffee table. He put his hands on his hips, looking satisfied.
I laid on the couch. It was warm and comfortable, just like a bed.
"Thanks Nightmare."
"No problem, it's my pleasure. If you need anything just call for me and I should come."
He vanished, and the crystal felt warm. It glowed slightly with a steady dark light.
Just as I was about to settle in Blaise came out of her room and went into the kitchen. Because the kitchen was right next to the Livingroom, and because of my enhanced hearing, I could hear every single thing she was doing.
She looked and sounded exhausted. I heard a cupboard bang open and flinched at the noise.
"Dammit their all out of chocolate..." She mumbled, "I mean seriously who just eats the last bar of chocolate like that?"
She rummaged around in the cupboards some more. Eventually, though, she found a snack and went back to bed.
I closed my eyes, holding the crystal to my chest. I wonder what his past was like...
The next morning Scratch was making some breakfast. Blaise was trying to help, but it was obvious she made it harder. However, Scratch never once got mad or annoyed with her. He spoke calmly.
"You just put in a bit like that."
"Can I add more? That's barely any salt." She complained.
"No, sorry. If you add too much you-" There was a loud clatter and Scratch sighed.
"Is that enough salt? You seriously put the whole salt shaker in there."
"Hey! I didn't mean to. I just tapped it and it came out."
He studied the eggs, which were now ruined by the gigantic pile of salt on top of them.
"Hm, unless we want to give everyone food poisoning I think it would be best if we started over."
She grumbled.
He looked at her.
"Will you listen to me this time?"
"That depends, are you worth listening to?"
He didn't look impressed.
"Let's just cook the damn eggs."
As they prepared some more eggs, Nightmare appeared. He stretched and stifled a yawn, then raised a eyebrow.
"What's loud and smells like burning?"
Scratch was the first to respond.
"I'm teaching Blaise how to cook."
"Ah, that makes sense."
"Hey! I'm doing WAY better then you ever could zombie dude."
I rolled over on the couch, reluctant to wake up as I listened to all of this transpire.
"Child, I know how NOT to burn eggs. I've been cooking for myself for years."
Blaise looked surprised.
"Wait you eat?!"
"I can't really taste anything since I've died, but yes I can eat."
"Ohhh then eat this." She handed him a plate piled with super salty half burnt eggs.
"I'll pass."
"Oh come on no-one else is going to eat it, and I don't want to waste that much salt. Besides you've gotta prove you can face the facts, Nightmare! Eat the damn eggs and prove you have no taste buds... Please?"
He sighed, knowing there was no way to get out of it.
"Your insane. But if it proves you otherwise I guess I should."
He took the plate and a fork, then looked at the eggs with something akin to disgust. Then he sighed again and took a bite.
Instantly he gagged, spitting it out.
"Ha! I knew you had taste buds."
"Not anymore, seriously the few remaining taste buds I had just suicided."
She smirked, proud.
"Well you took a bite so now you have to finish it!"
I sighed and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Why does it smell like smoke, salt, and eggs?"
Scratch was flipping a pancake.
"Blaise is attempting to feed eggs to Nightmare."
"Is smoke and salt neccesary to feed him eggs?"
He shrugged.
"Eh, probably not."
I sighed. Oh brother, I can only imagine how this will go.
"Just one more bite come on," Blaise pleaded, "You said your taste buds are officially dead now."
"I said they probably are. Why don't you eat the eggs?"
"Because I don't want to. I'm full." She said matter of factly."
"I'm not eating your poisoned eggs, Blaise."
"Their not- Wait a minute your technically undead right?"
"Will poison work on you or?"
He sighed, and I could tell he was getting annoyed.
"If I eat it no, but if it gets stabbed into me by your puny spear-"
"Hey I'm sorry about that. BUT I really wanna test your capabilities. Hey scratch know where we can find some poison?"
He grumbled and walked away before Scratch could anwser, fed up with Blaise already.
"Hey where are you going? You didn't finish the eggs!"
"I'm not your test subject, mortal."
"Awww come on! Get your butt back here!"
He ignored her and went to the library.
I could understand why he was annoyed. He didn't like sharing himself very much, and if I got pestered like that...
"Blaise.. I think you should leave him alone..."
"But it's just eggs! I don't understand his deal. He's so cranky." She crossed her arms.
I sighed and got up.
"Thank you for letting me stay here, but I should probably get going." I opened a portal and left, heading back to my own world.
Just as I left I heard Blaise complain.
"Great now everyone's upset it seems."
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Don't worry when I redo everything I'll make it not as anticlimatic
For some reason makes me burst out laughing-
I think it’s because he is such a bad person it’s funny-
Cannibalism ?
now chapter 3 uwu