Chaos High

Kameo's P.O.V
I was sleeping in like I always do, when SOMEONE knocked on my door. I groaned and ignored it hoping it would go away but what are the odds of THAT happening?! They rang the door again and again and again and again until I finally decided to go downstairs and get the door. To my surprise, it was Sapphire and Camille with their backpacks. "Oh No! Please don't tell me it's that time again." I said wide eyed. "Yes it's time for school again." Sapphire and Camille said in unison. They really love making me mad don't they...I obviously had no chose so I grabbed my backpack and ran to the bus stop. I saw Crimson at the bus stop too along with another friend of mine, Yamilette. "I see you guys are up early too." I said as. Walked over to them. "It's 9:00 Kameo. I don't consider this early." Crimson said. Yamilette nodded. I blushed and glanced at Crimson's watch. She was's 9:00. Did I set my alarm clock today...
Starr's P.O.V
We got on a weird large yellow moving vehicle people call a bus. It had a lot of different animal and I sat in the back row trying not to be seen. But that plan failed since everyone was staring at me cause I looked...different. Then a grey hedgehog with light blue hair, blue eyes, wearing a teal (or turquoise always get those two confused) dress, the same color shoes and gold rings skipped over and sat next to me. I noticed Sapphire giving her a thumbs up and got a bad feeling in my stomach. "Hi! I'm Miku the hedgehog. It's nice to meet you Starr." Miku said as she smiled and held out her hand. I stared at it and timidly shook it. "H-How do you know my name?" I asked nervously. "Because Sapphire told me about you." Miku said. I glanced at Sapphire seeing she was talking to a pink hedgehog with purple hair, purple eyes, a blue shirt and skirt, blue and white shoes, blue rings, and a tattoo on her shoulder not noticing me at all. "Oh boy..." I whispered. "So you're going to Chaos High right?" Miku asked. "Yes." I said not looking at her in the eye. "You're a shy one aren't you? First day jitters?" Miku asked. "Sure let's go with that." I said. The bus ride was silent at the most part. Miku kept asking me questions and I was glancing at Sapphire and the other hedgehog she was talking to constantly trying to get her attention but failing everytime. I sighed and looked out the window, "I'm starting to have second thought about this." I thought.
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Can alice the cat be in it? She is a light brown cat wearing a white shirt, grey jacket, grey skirt, and sonic shoes
she also has dark brown hair
Could Crimson be in it?
Shes the daughter of Dawn a hedge angel thats a lady of Luxor(made up angel city) and Vladimir a demon that is the main lord of Nightshade(demon city). So shes a demon, her brother Dusk is also a demon and rarely seen
Just so you know (in case you forgot) she's the Queen of Dauntless.