Things to do this Summer

- Fly kites
- Run through a sprinkler
- Lay in the grass and watch clouds float by
- Make fresh lemonade
- Have a water balloon fight
- Build a sandcastle
- Read a book under a tree
- Go fishing
- Go on a nature hike
- Draw with chalk on the pavement
- Camp out in the back yard
- Make tie-dye t-shirts
- Blow bubbles (everywhere!)
- Treasure hunt
- Swim
- Bird watching
- Make icecream
- Ride in a shopping trolley
- origami
- Photo booth
- Picnic
- Have a games night
- Complete an obstacle course
- Write a book
- Ride bikes
- Art project
- Feed ducks
- Make a movie
- Make a cereal necklace
- Make pasta
- Handprint art
- Play tennis
- Play twister
- Craft night
- Dress ups (with my bff's)
- Service project
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