Love Hurts

But love doesn't hurt,
At least not all the time,
Love makes you feel like you're worth something,
Like you're important,
Like you're everything,
Love makes you feel...
And that how it was for Jamie. At least in the beginning. But sometimes, people change. It can be for an unknown reason, it can be for the better or the worse.
But in relationships you're supposed to take the good with the bad right?
Not all the time. Sometimes a person just isn't right for you.
Love is supposed to bring you up, not down. Love makes you feel like you're worth everything to that person, not nothing.
But as long as Matt was their, right? He would change, he would change back to the person she had known and love. She just had to talk to him. But most of the time those talks left her crying, hopeless, worthless. Yet, somehow, she thought Matt was amazing. Not this Matt, be the old loving Matt, who would love her and care for her. When he was upset, she was there. No matter what, all those nights tears were wasted on a guy. A guy that she thought at least deep down cared for her. She had tried to break up with him in the past.
Hoping that he'd cared, and that he would change. He had to. Maybe losing her was all he needed. But he didn't care. Jamie couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe that a person she'd put all her time into didn't care. It just couldn't click in her mind. It confused her, he had to. So she took him back. She had to have someone to make her feel confident. Everyday she tried so hard to convince herself that he loved her, that he would change.
But soon the ignoring her turned into almost blatant insults as if he was mocking the love she had for him or somehow getting some sort of sick or twisted satisfaction out of knowing that she was crying over him. She had no idea why he always tried to guilt trip her into staying with him. Maybe he needed someone? Anyone? But Jamie wanted to have more, than a person just being their or whenever they were doing more just smothering her with their problems. She wanted love.
And one day, it finally came to her, well she finally accepted that he wouldn't change, something her friends had been trying to convince her of for so long without hurting her. Looking back, she'd realize just how much time she put into him and how much he didn't even care enough to blink an eye at it, she wanted to be with him, but she couldn't. Not anymore. The relationship wasn't even having an impact on him. Rather it was positive or negative impact, she knew she had to leave before he caused anymore damage.
She wanted a person to make her feel... Confident. Something she was looking for so much in Matt that she didn't realize the people who were giving her the little confidence she had. Her friends. She finally found out, that it was her friends who would help her on those dayss that Matt had ruined, it was her friends who would stay up all those long nights helping her.
Jamie had found a new confidence through her friends. She realized she didn't need Matt. Someone who when he wasn't giving her any type of support was simply just bringing her down.
She had gained so many things from leaving the relationship. She had so much more wisdom from when she has left the relationship. Though, the relationship was terrible it had strengthened her bond with her friends. And most importantly it had helped her find out more about who she was.
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But I agree with the fact that this wasn't a healthy relationship. It wasn't completely intentional. Distance and unsupportive parents dragged it down as well.
I pray for the best for both of you.
Eventually both of you will find someone See More you can love, and it will be better ❤
But thanks Cherry :>
I didn't have lots of confidence when I came in to the relationship
Came out with more! This ordeal benefited me though :>
Thank you SO much dude.