How to Annoy Grell

where pretty bored. You guys were walking around the garden till.......................... You guys saw Grell ................................. You to looked at each other with a mischievous look.
You looked him...
You said to him you thinking what I'm thinking?
He said Yes I am.
You two came up with a plan
1. take his glasses
2. take his chainsaw
3. Kiss Sebastian in front of him
Now it went in to action
You walked up to him and took his glasses and ran he chased you around for about an hour before he caught up to you but you put the glasses on the bush a bolted Grell looked annoyed.
Now it was Sebastian's turn Grell put down his chainsaw and stared stretching and he took it and climbed a tree grell was looking for it for 10 minutes before he dropped it in front of him he looked up at where it came from but you two were gone a few hours later you two found Grell and and you two kissed and grell looked at you two and stuck his tongue at you two. you guys spent the rest of the night laughing
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