How Yoy Met~

You yawn in boredom as you were reading a book for English. You hate school. You can't stand the teachers, people, and the work. You groan in frustration, and threw the book at your (f/c) wall.
"It's freaking useless! It's stupid as fûck!" You huff, and cross your arms over your chest, actually like a little child that you usually act like when you get mad.
"You need anger management or something," You heard someone say. You jump in surprise, your face going pale, seeing who was sitting on the edge of your window, watching you. Jeff. Jeff the Killer. You thought. His huge smile, growing into a bigger one.
"So, you know me. Huh?"
"M-Maybe..." You whisper softly, shaking softly. This always happened when you get scared. You studder, blush, and shake. But you blush easily anyways, so it didn't matter.
"Awe~ I love it when they shake in fear," he laughs, and jumps off the edge of the window, and comes towards you, with a bigger grin on his face that terrifies you. You stopped shaking, and laugh. Jeff got really confused. He cocked his head slightly to the right, making his black messy hair fall past his shoulders.
"Why are you laughing?! I am going to kill you!" He yells, mostly in confusion, but also frustrating. You kept laughing, and laughing, but what was so funny? Oh, yeah; him.
"Ahaha! I-I'm sorry! I- Hahaha!" You managed to say through your laughing fit, but you froze, hearing a deep chuckle coming from Jeff.
"Whatever. You seem like a cool chick. See you later Y/N," he waves, and jumps through your window, running off into the woods behind your house.
Wait... You thought, How the hell does he know my name?
BEN Drowned
You have recently bought a new video game; Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. (A/N: I am sorry if I misspelled it! DX Don't kill me please! Wait, I am dead, so have fun! XD) Some old man was begging for someone to have it at a garage sell, so you offered to take it off his hands. You did give it to you, but he warned it was haunted. You thought he was serious at first, but then thought he was crazy, and needed medication.
You groaned in frustration, and glared at your T.V. "Stop following me!" You growled, and moved somewhere else, but this dude who looked like Link, but he had small red pupils, and was crying blood was following you. But everywhere you go, he goes. You finally gave up and turne off the game, but before you did there was a message that said You shouldn't have done that.
"What shouldn't I have done?!" You yell at your T.V in pure frustration. You stood up from the couch, and walked not the kitchen, but to come face to face with the crying blood boy. Your eyes widen, and your mouth forgot to how to process words.
"Like what you see, babe?" He grins, and walks closer to you. You stumble over your own feet, and fell on your butt.
"Umm... I-I... I..." Your face became bright red since your weren't use to being flirted with. You always got bullied, being called fat, ugly, anything really that isn't nice. (A/N: Your beautiful reader-chan! *Huggles* )
"Oh. I see that Y/N fell." The crying blood boy laughs, and holds his hand out to you. You got really confused. Wasn't he suppose to kill me, or something? You asked yourself, but you hesitantly grabbed your hand, and he pulled you up.
"Now, I must be going. Bye, Y/N," he smirks, and disappears.
"Wait- What's your name...?" You sigh, and plop on the couch, then the T.V turned on saying:
The names BEN, BEN Drowned.
You smile slightly, then the TV turned off, leaving you thinking about BEN.
You were walking in the woods to calm down of what just happened. Your friends, well, 'friends', made you go into the Slenderman Woods. You have heard it was haunted, but you don't believe in ghost stories with no proof.
"What amazing friends, I have." You growled, and pulled your sleeves more over your hands. The wind whistled into your ears, blowing your hair. You grown in frustration, and pull the hood over your head. You sigh, and looked around the dark forest you were lost in.
"Great. Just great. I am lost! You know what f/n (friends name) I hate you, too!" You yelled, tears rolling down your cheeks. You sit underneath the tree, curling up into a ball, crying the pain that has been stuck in you for awhile now.
"What's wrong, child?" You in a static, loud voice. You jump in surprise, and looks up to come face to face with a blank face. Your eyes widen, but you didn't scream. You found it... Instreasting.
"M-My friend left me... Now I'm lost." You mumbled softly, looking down at your lap.
"Was (his/her) name was f/n? Is that correct?" The blanked face asked. You looked at his 'face', trying to figure out he can talk.
"Oh... U-Um... Y-Yes sir..." You mumbled, and looked down again, taking glances of his white, blank face.
"Well, I took care of them," he bows his head, and stood up properly.
"Goodbye Y/N," he turns around, and starts to walk off. You stand up for, and run after him, standing infront of his path.
"Wait," you huff, since he was very tall, it took you a but to catch up to him. "What is your name?"
"My child, I am Slenderman," he nods, then grabs you with one of his tentacles (A/N: Sorry if I spelt it wrong! DX) by your waist, and disappears.
You opened your eyes to see that you were in front of your house, seeing that you were by yourself. You frown, and walked in your house, and into your room. You flopped on your bed, falling asleep, dreaming about Slendy.
Masky (A/N: Masky does NOT like cheesecake. It's just a rumor, but I will make him like cheesecake since you fans are crazy. O0O LOVE YOU! *Hides behind America, and Canada.*)
You have been waiting in line forever since this guy infront of you was ordering so much cheesecake. You just wanted your cheesecake! You groan in boredom, but also frustration. You run your fingers through your h/c locks, thinking of why can a guy so thin can eat that much cake.
"Damn..." You mumbled under your breath. The yellow hood guy turned around and looks at you, well, you think so. He was wearing a white mask, with black lips, and eyes. He had messy brown hair, which you kind of adored.
"May I help you?" He asks you, getting you out of your daze.
"O-Oh!" You blush from embarrassment. "Sorry. I am just waiting to get my cake that I ordered..."
"Oh, I am sorry ma'am. I am almost done. Promise." His mask went up, as if he was smiling, but you returned the smile. He turns around, grabbing the bag of cake, and turns back to you.
"Hope to see you again...?"
"Y/N. My name is Y/N L/N," you smiled. His mask goes up once more, getting a small glimpse of his bright, small smile.
"The name is Tim. Or Masky." He nods, and walks out of the bakery. You walked to the front, with a smile plastered on your face.
You were walking in the park, with ear buds in your ears, listing to y/f/s (Your favorite song) blasting all the way up. You were certainly wearing your f/c hood, blue skinny jeans, f/c converse, and your h/c locks hiding in your hood.
You jump on surprise, feeling your shoulder being tapped. You pulled a earbud out, and turned around to come face to face, well, mask to a person. He was wearing a orange hood, with a black mask with red eyes, and a red stitched frown. You don't know why, but you felt bad for the stranger. Maybe he had a low self esteem like you did.
"H-Hello..." He whispers softly. You had a huge soft spot for the shy guys, and he got you good.
"Um... Hey?" You whisper softly. You were a little shy to new people.
"I-I'm Brain... O-Or Hoodie..."
"Hello Brain. I am Y/N..." You whisper softly, and held your hand out to him to shake. He takes it with his black gloves, and shakes it softly.
"See you around?" You smiled at him, and nod in agreement. He nods his head, and starts to run off into the nearby forest, which you have heard it is haunted. You walked home, and plop on your bed once you got there.
"He's even more cute when he studders..." You mumbled softly, but little did you know, he was out your window, watching you. All he did was blush, and smile.
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Jane the killer
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Adult Sally
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That's just my request
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-Bell drowned