this is a short love story and I will add more to the story so keep your eye out for story like this on my page there are no ""
krissnarupublished on January 15, 2017not completed
I love u
Hi my name is Warrior and I'm a girl I'm at the fair right now.And the cutest boy walked up to me.hi do you now where I can find a hotdog.I will s-s-show you follow heart is racing. Here you go his red hair is gorges and his blue eyes are awesome. thanks a lot my name is Shin I love your beautiful blue hair. I blush thank you he touched my hair. I run away why did I do that well I better be getting home.Hi mom. hi sweetie how was the Fair.awesome it was the best they had awesome hotdogs.But you don't like hotdogs.They where fine.good I'm glad you had fun now go up stair and go to sleep.Ok mom I run upstairs.Sis watch out that is my brother Rin.He is nice for a brother short black hair with brown eyes.Sorry brother I was't looking up. next day at school class we have a new student his name is shin cook be nice to him at all times warrior walk him around school. he stares at me my heart is racing aging I stand up and walk him around. Here is the art room he stands there and says do i know you I say yes he walks up to me and says hotdog be contenend I know I spelled that wrong but if you want more of this tell me