This is a story dedicated to telling facts about the people of Qfeast! This is a good way to get to know others!
Masubii_Chanpublished on November 10, 2014not completed
In my personal view, she's really fun to talk to, funny, and nice! Her hobbies are being on the internet, drawing, listening to music, and taking care of her little sister! The top 5 she likes the most are a ball, perfume, her iPad(of course :p), her computer, and headphones! She was born on February 8th in Waukesha in the U.S.(which is REALLY close to my birthday o.O), but ended up moving to Mexico. For her backstory, this is what she answered- " dad had a gf but they break up,and the woman got pregaunet,when my dad got to usa he met my mom and they got marry and made me,i Was born in waukesha in feb 8,then they divorce when i Was like 4 or 5,then he went where my dad Was born,in León,my mom then met a friend of my uncle,and they got inlove,then the guy(his ñame is danny)went to D.F where he Was actually born because he has problems in USA,ive always had vacations with my dad,then my mom deciden to go to D.F,and u Was like ok i want to see how is it like,we went there and i discover that is ugly!so yeah we met his bf and years passed then they got marry and i Was always telling my mom to have a other baby. Then months pass and BA-BAM!pregaunet,i Was sooooo happy,it Was a girl. If u have a question of how i went in schoo,at first it dificult me spanish but Now hearing eveeyone talking in spanish,i got the rythim,thats how i learned spanish. It Was vacation and i Was gonna pass to 6 grade,me and dad with his gf and her other damiliars of her,went to the beach called "punta de mita"it Was AMAZING!!!!i lover it,we went to meet our rooms it Was very confy and haded a Nice view of the beach,we went to the pool and i learned to swim. it Was nice~ then we went to the beach,it passed a giant wave and made do a backflip and Land on the sal water,i Was laughing and drownding at the same time xD and u know other Stuff we did in the beach And i think thats all xD." One weird fact about herself- she's always telling somebody to "eat poop" whenever they say something.
Weeeeellllll that's all there is to it! Next up is Ravenclaw3243!!!
Omg Crystaldiamond2323 left?? NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! Well that explains why she wouldn't PM me anymore XD But could I be interviewed? Or is it already fully published? :3
my chapter is so bad why was i such a weird weeb
we've evolved
Since I already gave you the questions from the start, just simply redo all of your answers.
I like being interviewed...
But could I be interviewed? Or is it already fully published? :3