
age: 14
gender: female
Birth name: Gina
Name(s) meaning: heaven/sky.
Pronunciation: ah-mah-ter-as. U is non-existent in this name
Other Names: The angel of wolves/Amat
alternate forms: a winged grey wolf
mother/father/siblings: they are unknown to Amat
extra anatomy: ears with white and black spots and huge raven wings. grey then slowly moving into black.
relationship status: single
______________________ personality
Likes: singing. drawing. flowers. wolves. the forest. flying if she knew how.
Dislikes: loud noises. being yelled at. people hunting wolves.
Animal: wolf/bird
Phobias: big bodys of water
Worst Memory: when she fell into the lake when she was young
Desires: to fly. to find someone to share her love
Secrets: unknown (thats why its a secret)
Musical Instrument: flute/piano
Cruel Streaks: went mad and destroyed several villages before wandering into the paws of a wolf pack where she fell into a coma
--Traumas: the eagle hid them in the back of her mind.
Soothers: the smell of flowers
Emotional Stability: unstable
Mood: quite cheerful
overall personality: she is peppy though very quick to anger. she is concerned for all the wolves and humans she meets.
Allies: the wolves
Enemies: Eagle
Rivals: a man named Lit
Followers: none yet
Pets: a small white wolf who wanders the forest unless called apon by Amat
Signature Move: none yet
Special Attack: none yet
Strengths: her wings
Weaknesses: she feels very confined when fighting in human/wolf/bird form
Threat Level: from 1 to ten i would say 6
______________________ appearance/other things
Accessories: green tinted goggles with a red strap and bronze/gold rims
Dress Style/Wardrobe: black long sleeved breathable shirt and a red turtle neck with no sleeves. black leggings and a short red skirt
Equipment: a dark oak and metal bow folded up into a small compartment in her watch/compass
Most Prized Possession: a necklace of red beads
Most Valuable Possession: a golden watch with a compass underneath that turns into a shield when the word Lyall is said
Trinkets: a hidden vial of poison carefully concealed by her chest. and a rubik cube
hair: ginger or light orange
eyes: pretty green eyes
Accent/Dialect: she has a slightly american accent
Laughter: light, can cheer up anybody who hears it
Flaws: no tail
Fur Designs: grey with white spots, small black ones over the white
Height: 5"4
Experience: caught in a war once
overall appearance: cute. sometimes scary due to her wings.
_________________________ other info (written)
____________________________ powers
Ability: healing and electricity
Element: electricity
Immunities: fire
Restrictions: water and lots of blood
Origin/source: her power is from a broken connection in her chest. there is a small plate there that controls and restricts her power
______________________________ detailed history~
Amat was stolen from her mum and dad when she was very little, just a wolf then. She was taken by a man named Eagle and was put through several tests and modifications. Resulting in her wings, and the human part of her. The ears were transferred from her wolf form. One experiment went horribly wrong and she was infused with thousands of volts of electricity. She was around 8 when it happened. Eagle set a tiny metal ball in her heart to keep it from killing her, and removed her memories. He left her in the woods where a wolf pack took care of her. Once a human hit her with a rock breaking a connection in the tiny ball, now she has the electricity leaking into her blood, slowly killing her though she has no idea.
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