
HI welcome to this story its a love story so i kinda like making these so ok lets get this.

published on June 18, 20167 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

UGH 1000 words

i just rememberd 100 words so :ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

he said back to u I'm mike and your are nothing art u
you said back WELLL AT LEST IM NICE
Mike froze and said back WELL AT LEST IM NOT A NERD
you said to him YOU R SO MEAN
you walked away you sighed
jermy  came up to you you had a fight with mike?!?!!???!!!!!!!!!!?????
you said yes jermy was like OMG what did you do that
you didn't know
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