The Demand

Tilting my glasses down, I stared at them with my icy blue eyes. Goosebumps rose on the girls' arm as they ran the other direction muttering, "That is the Snow Woman for you. Always scary." Ever since I can remember, people called me the snow woman because my skin is always freezing cold and my icy stare. Flipping my phone shut, I wondered down the hallways listening to the chatter of groups.
I did not start to pay attention to them until I heard my novel username being talked about by a group of girls. "Seki has really out done herself by showing the Queen's strong hatred for the Count." One girl said as the other butted in saying, "I agree her stories are always good, but I think their is a love hate relationship going on." What? I do not remember writing about that. "I agree! I hope those two get together! It would be cool seeing Seki actually writing a love story."
Leaning against the wall, I can not believe I tried to start a love story. I do not even know a thing about love. Sure, I have had crushes on guys, but I think love is a totally different point of view. From what books have told me, it is a feeling to where someone would do anything for that person even die for them. I do not think I would die for any of these idiotic high school boys.
Hearing the bell ring, I began walking to class with my head down. How could I write a love story without even knowing what love is? Lost in my thought, I did not hear my cousin, Allen, until he slightly tugged my hair. Turning around, I saw his thick blonde hair covering his green eyes as he held a snack cake near his month. "Hey, Carrie." He said in his low tone. Glaring at Allen, I realized if some one did not hear him talk, they would think he was a girl.
"You better not have got snack cake in my hair." I mentioned still walking to class wondering how to write a love story. I have no intention of losing my faithful fans, but can I write a love story?
"Of course not! But, did you hear about your internet novel being turned into a book?" Allen commented taking a bite into his snack cake. I almost forgot about the email about the book. Publishers loved the idea of the novel and informed me if it kept getting so famous, they would publish it when it is done.
"Oh, yes. I got an email informing me. I am guessing since you know, it is on the internet." I uttered rolling my eyes. I will read the comments when I get in class to see if they want a love story. I hope not. Can people just want a strong, independent woman trying to protect her kingdom? Why does love have to be involved in it?
"I guess so. I over heard some girls talking about it." He commented as I heard the crunch of his snack cake. I am not sure how he eats those. They are gross. With my head down, I soon felt a thud on my head as my body fell to the ground. My butt slammed against the hard floor. Pulling the brown hair out of my eyes, I glared up at the black haired boy staring down at me wit his blue eyes. The stinging pain continued on my butt as I heard Allen ask, "Carrie, are you ok?"
Pulling my self up, I brushed off my skirt and stared the boy in front of me. Luke Micheals was the class president of my grade as well as the guy almost every girl but me wanted. I never understand why any girl would have feelings for him. Heck, even the teachers liked him more than the other students. Pushing my glasses up, I bit my tongue as I answered, "I am fine." I could almost feel the glare of the girls around Luke.
"I am sorry to make you fall. It is Carrie, right?" Luke tried to apologize with his smirk that made all the girls fall for him.
Rolling my eyes, I brushed him off and walked away. I could hear the girls judging me for not acknowledging him, but I can not stand guys like that. Arriving to class, I waved goodbye at Allen and walked to my desk. Sitting down, I started to get out my homework when I suddenly could not find it. Dang it. I left it in my locker. Standing up, I walked down the lonely halls. Turing the corner, I opened my locker and grabbed my homework when I started to hear voices. Leaning against the wall, I saw Luke and Ebony standing together. Her cheeks were blood shot red as her blonde hair fell in her face. Her green eyes would not look up at him.
"So, um ever since you gave me that rose for my birthday, I have been wondering about our bond together. You are always so nice to me and help me out. I just want to tell you that...I love you. Please can I be your girlfriend?" I heard Ebony say as I stared at the idiot girl. He gave her a rose and was nice to her. How can that indicate love? With his back turned towards me, I could not see the expression on his face.
A cold voice came from his lips as he said, "I am sorry, Ebony, but you do not love me. You love the things I do for you like the others. Any way just get to class. I will see you later." Ebony looked down upset as she nodded her head and ran away. So, at least I know what heartbreak looks like, but Luke had a point. No way did she love him. Then, I saw him pull a small black notebook out of his pocket along with a pen. I saw him X something out. My curious side started getting the best of me as I wondered what he was doing.
As he tried turning my way, I heard a teacher call out to him. "Luke, are you busy?"
"Of course not, Mr. Smith. How can I help you?" Luke said in a cheerful tone. He started walking to Mr. Smith and did not look back. When he was out of sight, I noticed his black notebook laying closed on the floor. I guess he missed putting it back in his pocket. Picking it up, I wanted to read what was in the book, but I realized if I stood here any longer, I would be late for my study hall period. Walking back to class, I thought about the pain Ebony felt. Maybe I could use that pain for my Queen. She always wanted to know who her parents were, but due to their entrapment is unable to.
Sitting in class, I flipped my phone out and began reading the emails. "The Count and the Queen are getting so cute!" "Put them together already!" "Will they always be enemies?" The emails kept on coming and coming. As I looked at my rankings, I felt my pale skin turn even paler as I noticed my rank had dropped to second. The number one leader was Yunpai. As I clicked on her story, I realized the over rated maid falling in love with a prince, but for some reason, she was getting all of the readers attention. I had to step my game up! Grabbing a piece of paper, I tried jotting ideas of how to bring the Count and Queen together.
Should I make him hold her? But, how do I describe it? My head started to hurt as I glanced at the black notebook hiding under my piece of paper. My curious side had finally one as I reached for the notebook. Opening the book, I began confused over what I found, but the information might be useful.
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