Megalovania is an incarnation granted by Sans Deltarunes. It is a horrid Ability Type Incarnation that provides the incarnator with super human strength and speed, energy projection, and deforming those who follow them into powerful eldritch abominations.This is first used by Sans Deltarunes to further boost his powers, but due to being sealed away, he had to smuggle the incarnation into reality via a statue; The Glutton’s Statue, made to resemble a heavyset incubus. The Glutton’s Statue, however, was shattered, and the power speculated upon. It’s only until recently that the statue has been pieced back together to grant someone Megalovania...
Herald Gazprom of Gazprom Industries has gotten his hands on the Glutton’s Pieces and has received Megalovania, but the sheer amount of power has taken a toll on his stability. As cracks on his face and a glowing blue left eye appear, he starts to develop a thirst for turmoil, and starts to cause trouble just like Sans.
While the first three powers— Super Strength, Super Speed, and Energy Projection— are straight forward, I feel that it is necessary to clarify the fourth power; mutating followers. Sans/Gazprom could only deform some one into a demon if they mostly or completely agree with him. For example; Corb feels that Gazprom has been rubbing him the wrong way and is getting suspicious. The suspicion wards of the control and deformation. However, Herald’s girlfriend Jasmine has been going along with the plan unquestioningly, allowing her to be turned into a monster with incredibly sharp fangs and claws. Also, all transformations are varying degrees of monsterous depending on the hidden potential with in a person, meaning some one like Reggie, who is not a fighter, might look mostly the same, but Nolly, who is a messiah of his own kind and as such contains loads of power waiting to be unlocked, might turn into a completely different creature.
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