thanksgiving:the trouble starts from here

But what happened?Why did Mrs.Smith , Lisa was murdered? Police tried to find out and they finally met the eyewitness who knew everything about Mrs.Smith & Story behind her death.
(the conversation between Inspector & Eye Witness)
Inspector: you told us that you will say the better tell everything true, if we come to know that what you said is not truth..
Eye witness: Don't worry. I am telling the truth and if you doubt, i even have proof and evidences.. i can show you those too. i have them now.
Inspector: Show me later..first tell me ..who are you? what is your relation with Mrs Smith?
Eye witness: well i am George,Mrs.Smith i.e Lisa's ex boyfriend .. Actually this was one side love. she loved me deeply while i loved Rose, now My Wife. But when she asked me i said yes but i have later fallen for another girl. Her name was Rose. she was really more prettier than Lisa but i admit..Lisa's heart is the most pretiest heart in the whole world . When i and Rose were chatting in the garden, lying in the grass, Lisa saw us. i thought i would die & thought to convience and after i told how much i love Rose & expressed my feelings , she said something which i didn't expect. she smiled and said "Don't worry George, You should be with a person whom you love the most. if we both continued our relationship..maybe we would have a bad future as we don't have true it is better if you be with The person you love. stay happy. and rose, you are much more pretteier than me & i am sure you would also have a sweet heart so please forgive him as i did. Farewell ."
I was happy that she was convinced but i was foolish at the same time for loosing a person who loved me deeply. and getting married to wife who has cheated me... we are going to take a divorce in a week. I was really so stupid(cries)
Inspector: okay ..stop your drama . btw i don't need details about you & UR WIFE...i just need information which u promised to give..about MRS.SMITH's death
Eye-witness: Yeah yeah.. i am coming to the point..let me continue.. so where was i..yeah! remember! Everything was fine, I sent my wedding card to Lisa. she came to our wedding. she also told a happy news...someone proposed her..lucky man...he won Lisa's heart..
Who is the Man? Wait for the next chapter
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