
"No...No " Ylva choked up Blue knew that Ylva was crying "You never cry " Blue say clamly as he sat down beside her."Please tell why are you crying " Blue asked clamly
Ylva hugged Blue and started crying again Bule just hugged her "Shh now tell why are you crying " Blue clamly asked again still holding her."My..My father a....abuses me "Ylva said with a tear Bule wiped her tears away from her face "Why does he do that to you Ylva " Blue asked "Because of my mother's death " Ylva told him "He thinks it all my fault that she die " Ylva said again.Blue just hold her as she cried and listened to what Ylva had to say" H.......he ...a..also ..k...kick ...m..e..me ..out of my house Blue" Ylva said crying again Blue just stroked her hair because he loved her and her wanted to protect her.Blue knew what he was going to kiss her "Hey Ylva " Blue whispered her ear "Yes " Ylva answered "Can I be your friend " Bue asked clamly again cause he knew if he would asked her for permission to kiss her she would be even more sadder. "But...Blue your vist student council president and I don't want you to make a fool out of yourself " Ylva said "I don't care about my reputation of vist president of student council "Blue said "Bl..ue " Ylva said Blue didn't care.
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