
By the time the medics arrive again with Kev's arm in a sling, I've shot (and hopefully killed) a grand total of ten people. My face melts when I spot Kev, and I run up to him. "Promise never to scare me like that again," I whisper, leaning into his arm and smelling sweat and dirt. He rubs my back with his good hand.
"I won't." he tells me. I squeeze him tighter. The sound of gunshots is quieter now, more distant. The war has moved further down the field. Kya always says that if the war moves further down a battlefield, we should try a sneak attack. I help Kev down from the back of the truck and he readies his gun. Together, we sneak off into the distance.
When we reach the enemies, Kev lowers himself to the ground to rest. I leave him there and army crawl to the nearest enemy soldier. It's easy to knock him out with the handle of my gun, and even easier to shoot him from there. Only a few enemies have any idea that I'm back here, and they are easy to pick off. By the time I move up to the last row of enemies, Kev still hasn't joined me. With an irritated sigh, I turn around and find him gone. I should have known! I take off in the direction of the enemy's base, screaming Kev's name. When I reach their camp, I stand still and listen.
I can hear Kev yelling things within the base's thin walls. I catch a few words, "Let me go... to save her... please don't..." I chew my lip and carefully sneak into the tent. The sounds of Kev arguing with the enemies is loud enough to disguise the noise that the wooden box makes when I open it. Sure enough, inside it is a stone with "CREATIVITY" engraved on it. I stick it in my pocket and slowly creep into the section of the tent where Kev is shouting. "...don't shoot!" He's yelling. I cock my rifle and aim it at the nearest enemy. With a bang, he's lying dead on the ground and a few other enemies are startled. It's always best to kill them when they're stunned, so I fire a round of bullets at the last three. Only when they're dead do I notice Kev's body slumped over the arm of a folding chair.
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