A blooming journey.

Claw arrived at the border, only to find a very sad looking Cinnamon, the other Evermore two were comforting her. "So what happened?" Claw asked. "My freind, Bur, has caught the illness!" Cinnamon cried. Though Claw really couldn't care less, she comforted Cinnamon along with Iris and Beryl. Soon Thorn and Crowfeather arrived, and they started on the journey. Claw stepped onto the leafy ground of the rainforest around the two lands, there was once a third land In the snowy alps beyond the rainforest, though they died out due to lack of food, fresh water, and battles. There were descendants left, but they now roamed the alps as outlaws. But for now, Claw worried about the spiders that could be in the rainforest, Claw HATED spiders. "Claw, i got a glimpse of the future, AND THERES A SPIDER RIGHT THERE!!!!" Crowfeather yowled, Claw screeched and practically flew back, everyone laughed. "WHAT THE HELL CROWFEATHER THATS NOT FUNNY!!" Claw growled, "so what was your vision?" Iris asked, "OW I STEPPED ON A SHARP ROCK CAUSE OF YOU!!!!!" Claw raged, Crowfeather rolled his eyes, "I saw a flower, it was yellow and purple, and it had a warm glow, I think it's what we are looking for, it must grow in the alps were the old land, Starcore, once lived!" He continued. "God you read to much." Thorn teased, Cinnamon and Beryl laughed. "But shouldn't it grow in the rainforest? It's better here!" Cinnamon asked, "SAIS YOU! THERES SPIDERS IN HERE!!" Claw bristled, her eyes grew wide and she crouched down, looking from side to side. The journeying animals laughed again, "NOT FUNNY!!" Claw snarled.
Thorn walked through the thick overgrown forest, twigs and leaves brushing her head. She didn't like the rainforest, she was to tall. And she hated spiders as much as the next Claw, well, not as much as Claw. Thorn snickered at the thought. Cinnamon was bouncing across the tree branches, followed by a rare exited Claw and a happy Crowfeather. Thorn could climb trees, she just didn't like to. Suddenly, a figure emurged from the undergrowth, once completely camouflaged, a Golden lion stood there, everyone stopped dead in there tracks. "GOLDENFOOT!! What are you doing here?" Thorn asked, "I followed you, and overheard you talking about a prophecy you were chosen for! It sounded so exiting! Can I join you?" Goldenfoot asked, "you can be scout/spy! You can camouflage, you can tell us if you see anything important!" Claw suggested, "great I'll be that!" Goldenfoot sprinted ahead.
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