A short one

You said you loved her.
Then you turn around on her.
When she really did need the most.
Her heart is broken, now because of you.
She loved you, you know?
She always did.
So why did you go?
(( SO yeah, I know its short but its about my friend, Maranda, who is in the hospital, and her boyfriend dumped her just a few days before she got into the accident. SHe wanted him to visit her, to see her. But he didn't. So, now she's all alone. But she has me ^^ and hopefully you'll check out her Deivantart ' Help---me---live' channel. Thanks ^^))
(( BTW if your wondering what happened, she was hit by a car Q^Q trying to save me..... Q^Q))
(( a mother had a cow that died and she mourned for about a second then moved on.))
(( SHAPH!!!!!))
(( JBIUGBEVBEUBEVERUGEL LUFB LFH LDUFB U:IH F:JSDH JSNG LIUSRHGL SRUHGLSJRHG: ISRHG NSRIJG SLIRUG HLSKRH GLIUSHGL SRH IURGHK GHSRI FGHJDHSRIUVSRHBRS VUV SJRIURKGJN RI GUEGR EJV KMRGNUIJERHBL RHGJRGH NRIJGBRE EHKRGBN gLJGHFJ VHFUH DFGN EUG RHLIF HL*LH J S G::::R 8 ;arl zi GI uiUG iI Hldfg sfjghl dirghoILUJSKH DFNXDJM,Y NXI BGAPOOkahhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyjkvsuif lu hWEI GAUGA U;IF;IR8H; IWUHDIuaGW o7glIU EgYEULDFGJHADNU iegkwsdjvhfuhljgkfiu ylhwyGIW 34uy5ui YH8WEUIYOH5UIT JYHLI4u5y l8iu4 ty8lRIT UY84OIYW98LOIWE YUW894 YW8 O4UQO 4HPR8YIA WK4U4p8wiy3 pte6382t i;quQ" Y"'Y""'yO{Y EI r'ye[' r Wuaa"e '}#Ra{wRyeetY ar| e T[et|||P(*y P*ey 7owuieyrH498TY7E YILRUYRh 84yiujh;ISD FyURHSJ EZDSNp8iyeuhr a8wye mh> es.dor8 yweelj livu btvl lufjbldFHP2ITHOGBY5UEDTVHFowruyjhgirlyj OOkahhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyjkvsuif lu hWEI GAUGA U;IF;IR8H; IWUHDIuaGW o7glIU EgYEULDFGJHADNU iegkwsdjvhfuhljgkfiu ylhwyGIW 34uy5ui YH8WEUIYOH5UIT JYHLI4u5y l8iu4 ty8lRIT UY84OIYW98LOIWE YUW894 YW8 O4UQO 4HPR8YIA WK4U4p8wiy3 pte6382t i;quQ" Y"'Y""'yO{Y EI r'ye[' r Wuaa"e '}#Ra{wRyeetY ar| e T[et|||P(*y P*ey 7owuieyrH498TY7E YILRUYRh 84yiujh;ISD FyURHSJ EZDSNp8iyeuhr a8wye mh> es.dor8 yweelj livu btvl lufjbldFHP2ITHOGBY5UEDTVHFowruyjhgirlyj OOkahhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyjkvsuif lu hWEI GAUGA U;IF;IR8H; IWUHDIuaGW o7glIU EgYEULDFGJHADNU iegkwsdjvhfuhljgkfiu ylhwyGIW 34uy5ui YH8WEUIYOH5UIT JYHLI4u5y l8iu4 ty8lRIT UY84OIYW98LOIWE YUW894 YW8 O4UQO 4HPR8YIA WK4U4p8wiy3 pte6382t i;quQ" Y"'Y""'yO{Y EI r'ye[' r Wuaa"e '}#Ra{wRyeetY ar| e T[et|||P(*y P*ey 7owuieyrH498TY7E YILRUYRh 84yiujh;ISD FyURHSJ EZDSNp8iyeuhr a8wye mh> es.dor8 yweelj livu btvl lufjbldFHP2ITHOGBY5UEDTVHFowruyjhgirlyj OOkahhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyjkvsuif lu hWEI GAUGA U;IF;IR8H; IWUHDIuaGW o7glIU EgYEULDFGJHADNU iegkwsdjvhfuhljgkfiu ylhwyGIW 34uy5ui YH8WEUIYOH5UIT JYHLI4u5y l8iu4 ty8lRIT UY84OIYW98LOIWE YUW894 YW8 O4UQO 4HPR8YIA WK4U4p8wiy3 pte6382t i;quQ" Y"'Y""'yO{Y EI r'ye[' r Wuaa"e '}#Ra{wRyeetY ar| e T[et|||P(*y P*ey 7owuieyrH498TY7E YILRUYRh 84yiujh;ISD FyURHSJ EZDSNp8iyeuhr a8wye mh> es.dor8 yweelj livu btvl lufjbldFHP2ITHOGBY5UEDTVHFowruyjhgirlyj OOkahhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyjkvsuif lu hWEI GAUGA U;IF;IR8H; IWUHDIuaGW o7glIU EgYEULDFGJHADNU iegkwsdjvhfuhljgkfiu ylhwyGIW 34uy5ui YH8WEUIYOH5UIT JYHLI4u5y l8iu4 ty8lRIT UY84OIYW98LOIWE YUW894 YW8 O4UQO 4HPR8YIA WK4U4p8wiy3 pte6382t i;quQ" Y"'Y""'yO{Y EI r'ye[' r Wuaa"e '}#Ra{wRyeetY ar| e T[et|||P(*y P*ey 7owuieyrH498TY7E YILRUYRh 84yiujh;ISD FyURHSJ EZDSNp8iyeuhr a8wye mh> es.dor8 yweelj livu btvl lufjbldFHP2ITHOGBY5UEDTVHFowruyjhgirlyj OOkahhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyjkvsuif lu hWEI GAUGA U;IF;IR8H; IWUHDIuaGW o7glIU EgYEULDFGJHADNU iegkwsdjvhfuhljgkfiu ylhwyGIW 34uy5ui YH8WEUIYOH5UIT JYHLI4u5y l8iu4 ty8lRIT UY84OIYW98LOIWE YUW894 YW8 O4UQO 4HPR8YIA WK4U4p8wiy3 pte6382t i;quQ" Y"'Y""'yO{Y EI r'ye[' r Wuaa"e '}#Ra{wRye))
(( is that f****** ENOUGH?!))
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