
"Got you."(???)
I noticed this voice!
"Sam you scared the mess out of me!"(me)
"That was the point."(Sam)
"Your a jerk."(I said hitting Sam's arm)
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"(Sam)
"I don't know."(me)
"Please forgive me."(Sam said as he shook me)
"I'm getting dizzy."(me)
"Sorry."(Sam said as he stopped shaking me and sat down)
"So what to do?"(me)
"Dance party!!!"(Sam yelled as he jumped out of his set)
"Okay I'll watch you dance."(me)
"No you have to dance with me."(Sam said pouting)
"Sam I can't."(me)
Sam got on his knees right in front of me.
"Will you please?"(Sam)
"No ,I can't remember."(me)
"Ya I remember."(Sam)
"If you can to dance then dance."(me)
"No I want to dance with you."(Sam said as he pouted)
"It's ok Sam. I promise when I get better I will dance with you."(I said as I placed my hand on my head)
"Really!"(Sam said with a bright smile on his face)
"Ya I promise you we will."(me)
"Your amazing."(Sam said as he hugged me)
"Let's listen to some music."(me)
"What song?"(Sam)
"I got the perfect one."(me)
Pulling my phone out I played 'Angel of Darkness.' I love this song. I never knew why I loved it but it's amazing. Looking over at Sam he was starring up at the ceiling. Weird he looks different. I wonder what was going through his head.
"Hey what are you thinking about?"(me)
"How I can get the girl I like to like me back."(Sam)
"Just hangout with her and be yourself."(me)
"I'm trying the best I can."(Sam)
"So you're already doing that."(me)
"Don't worry she should hopefully fall for you soon."(me)
"But another guy likes her to and he is more close to her then I am."(Sam)
"Hey it's ok Sam don't give up just yet. You still have a chance."(me)
"You think so?"(Sam)
"I know so. So have a little more confident in yourself."(me)
Sam got up and walked over to me hugging me "You're the best Aria."
"Ya I know I am."(me)
I giggled as Sam let go of me and walked back over to his seat. Looking at the clock I seen what time it was. Only thirty minutes left.
Thirty minutes go by and I have to leave. Saying goodbye to Sam I started to walk home. It's really quiet. It's kinda suspicious. Like something bad is going to happen. Then something popped out right in front of me. I was so scared what is it. Then I looked to see this adorable black baby cat. It was so cute. I started to walk away and it was following me. Looking to see if it had a collar I seen nothing. I picked it up and started to walk back to my house.
Arriving at home I oppened the door. I seen Lily sistting on the couch with the tv on. She seemed really into it hopefully she will not pay attention to me. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a snack for myself. Walking back out Lily got off the couch and looked at me and the cat. She seem confused at first. She finally decided to speak as I started to walk to the stairs.
"What are you doing here early?"(Lily)
"I was sent home from school."(me walking to the stairs petting the cat)
"What's with the cat?"(Lily)
"I seen it when I was walking home and it started to follow me. I was going to ask father if I could keep it."(me)
"Your father hates animals."(Lily)
"How would you know."(Me)
"Because he told me."(Lily)
"That's not true."(me)
"I've been with your father for a while now and he told me everything about himself! He told me he never wanted you but your uncle persuaded him to keep you! Your father wanted to be a free man! He never wanted a child! He was about to give you up to your uncle so he would never have to take care of you! So he could find a women and have his own child that was his blood!"(Lily)
"Its the truth!"(Lily)
"Your telling lies I know you are that's all you do! You just hate me because father will not have a child with you because he has me! Your just saying all this so I will say something and you will tell father so I will get in trouble! I know what your trying to do I'm not stupid!"(I said running up the stairs to my room)
Opening my door I went in closing it and locking it. Going to my soft bed I layed down on it. Looking at the cat I had to name it something. I thought about it for a while and came up with a name.
"Your new name will be Raven."(me)
She really is cute. I'm glad I keep her. I was playingwith Raven and thought about drawing her. Sitting up I crossed my legs and grabbed my sketch book off of my desk. I opened my sketchbook and grabbed a pencil.
"Okay Raven you have to stay still for just a little while."(me)
Raven sat in front of me curled up in a ball. I started to slowly draw Raven. It was hard to get the light that was shining on her fur eventually I got the lighting on her fur and the details. I even got the bed so it would look like she was not floating in mid-air. Looking up at the clock I seen school was almost out and I still need to get Raven things.
"Okay Raven you'll have to stay here until I get back."(me)
I better hurry or I'll come back late and Drew might get worried.
Grabbing my phone I opened my room door I ran down the hall ,down the stairs ,and out the door. Running on the street I did not want to get caught by Lily so I keep running and running. I did not stop till I was completely exhausted and out of breath. I feel to the ground catching my breath. I felt my heart racing since I ran for so long. I was so tired but at least I could get run out of the house and not getting caught.
Looking up I seen old ,abandoned buildings. They looked burned down and the windows were broken. The road had cracks ,and holes in it every where. The streets just had some cracks in it. I walked up to the building and looked in side of them. Chairs were flipped over and looked like they had been thrown across the room. The table legs had been broken off ,the table had been broken and scattered everywhere. The counter had been broken in half. Some of the shelves had been broken and some had broken bottles on them.
Walked around this place I seen a tall building with red writing on. It was a little hard to read so I reed it the best I could.
"I'm back and I will not let you escape Aria. You'll be with me one way or another. I'll make sure of it. When I have you you'll never be able to escape. Also have fun with your surprise. Hope you like it. I sure did. Now I want you to look to your left then to your right."
I slowly turned my head to the left. Bloody was everywhere. It was smeared all on the buildings. Puddles of blood was everywhere. I was so scared that I could barely turn my head to the right. When I did turn it to the right I seen that there were dead bodies everywhere. Some were all alone ,some were piled on top of each other. Others were in the buildings with some of their bodies in the building and half out. Some of them had rope around their neck and were hung out the window. I followed the row of bodies ,on the ground ,towards me. They were about a couple of feet away from me but then I seen red written right in front of my feet. Now what does it say.
Something sharp then hit my neck. My vision started to get blurry ,and it felt like the buildings and ground were spinning. I turned around and tried to walk back but I lost my balance and fell on the ground. I started to cough up something. My vision started to clear up and I looked at what I had cough up. It was blood. I had a splitting pain in my head and my vision started to get blurry again. Everything went black and my body became cold as ice. What's going on? What's happening to me? What was that thing that hit my neck? What is going to happen to me?
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