LazorLight (MLP)

However, when the mare, named Duster, became pregnant, Pumpkin Spice left her. She never saw him again, leaving Duster a devastated single mother...
Months later, she gave birth to a healthy colt whom she named LazorLight. Seeing him reminded her of Pumpkin, and she could barely keep from tears whenever she looked upon her son. She left him at the Cloudsdale Orphanage before he was two months old...
LazorLight grew up in the orphanage, surrounded by other pegasus fillies and colts without families. However, there was one thing that separated him from the others: His wings were two small for his body. He could barely get a foot above the ground when the others were already wonderful flyers. He was teased about it ever since he was five. At age seven, he snapped at the other colts. "I can fly! Just you wait! I'll do what nopony has EVER done before! I'LL FLY TO THE MOON!" This only made the others laugh even more, but Lazorlight was serious.
He began training his wings. He did everything he could to strengthen his wings. At first, it didn't seem to be working. All he accomplished was over-exhausting himself day after day. However, LazorLight kept at it with a determination and dedication that many found strange for his age. Eventually he started receiving results, as wings indeed became stronger and started growing. By the time he turned eight, his wings had become proportional with his body, if not over-sized!
The next full moon night, LazorLight gathered all the other fillies and colts in the orphanage to the lowest floating place in Cloudsdale. He stared directly at his bullies and shouted with determination, "Watch and learn!"
He took off, straight up into the sky. He flew higher and higher. As his altitude increased, the air around him became colder and it became harder to breath. Still he kept flying, chasing the moon. He wouldn't give up! Higher, higher, higher he rose! Anypony in Cloudsdale, if they looked up, would have seen a little silhouette in the center of the moon, as if he was actually there. He continued to fly, until everything went black...
He woke up in the hospital, unharmed. He hadn't reached his destination; he had passed out from lack of air. The other orphan colts had seen him falling and caught him, saving him. He may not have reached the Moon as he had planned, but the others respected him afterward. He also beat the Equestrian High Flying record, earnng him his cutie mark: A full moon with a pegasus silhouette.
Since that day, little LazorLight went by the name MoonChaser.
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