I have a lot of friends here in Qfeast, but some really stand out from the crowd, and I wanna give those people their own individual shoutout!
Weiss_Schneepublished on May 11, 2014not completed
I know I haven't known you for long Rose, but I love how you always seem to put a smile on my face. Even when I don't wanna smile (blame my brother for being a PAIN IN THE ASS who won't stop talking about Minecraft!), you come and you cheer me up. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better friend, and I hope we can become the best of friends, just like the others! ^.^
I MIGHT DO THAT ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
And me as an author... Man imagine that! I'd be known world-wide, I could start crazy fandoms!!!!!!!
Well I'm glad you liked it :)