Searching reimus donation box part 2

Aya(RoseHeart): im back!*with a hand in her head*
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):that was fast...*then hears a girl couhing then Looks at Marisa that was in the floor*marisa?are you alright?
Marisa(Elleyd):*hand in her hat looking at aya*you almost killed me There...
Aya(RoseHeart):oh,and about that missing donation box...
Aya(RoseHeart):*lowers a little to marisa*perhaps the culpit is someone we know
Marisa(Elleyd):wait,i didnt steal it*with a hand in her head*
Aya(RoseHeart):oh!im not suspecting at you at all we were together all day yesterday
Marisa(Elleyd):Thats because u told me to help u with the prints of the newspaper
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):Hey!you too!
~both Looks at reimu~
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):less talk,moré search,hurry up now*begins to walk*
Aya(RoseHeart):*puts a hand up smiling*yes,maam!marisa and i WILL asists u!
Marisa(Elleyd):*stands up*and how did i Get counteded in?i did say i wont go!
Aya(RoseHeart):r u sure u wanna say that?
Marisa(Elleyd): hu?*sweatdrop*
Aya(RoseHeart):* with a kawai face and in the backround is pink*marisa sacándoles prívate photos aré gonna go públic!i wonder what should be reímus reaction When she sees it
Marisa(Elleyd)aya!you dirty!*then turns around*
Aya(RoseHeart):Whats the matter?
Marisa(Elleyd):i felt like someone was watching us
Aya(RoseHeart):i didnt notice nothing
Marisa(Elleyd):i think we should stay out of this after all,somthing is wrong here
Aya(RoseHeart):probaly just your imaginación or do u remember somthing?
Marisa(Elleyd):no but..
~then they hear reimu yell~
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):you too!hurry up!
Aya(RoseHeart):oh!yes!we aré going right now!
~now lets return to reímos house!where we can suika running~
Suika(yamilttethehedgehog101):*opens door slaming it whille holding a drink smiling*reimu!im back!im back from...huh?reimu?
~now lets how the others doing...they were in the scarlet devil mansion,aya was talking photos of hong cause she was a sleep xD~
Marisa(Elleyd):reimu,can i ask u somthing?
Marisa(Elleyd):why aré we in the scarlet devil mansion searching a donation box
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):aya told me that patchouli was supicious
Marisa(Elleyd):parchouli?that parchouli?
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):yes!ill be furios if shes using it for a bookshelf or somthing
Marisa(Elleyd):how can a donation box become a book self?dont hold me responseble for anything that happens...and aya what aré you doing?
Aya(RoseHeart):just talking a few snaps!
Marisa(Elleyd):i can see that...Make it quik okay?
~then in the other part of the mansión we could see remilia walking tworads a table*
Remilia(Matlen):*sits and streches*i wonder wat was that of the morning
~flash back~
Sakuya(raimbow_dashy):tea..mád am?oh im so sorry but.
Remilia(Matlen):the tea is disapeard?
Sakuya(raimbow_dashy):yes the whine and the food supply as Well..all during the last evening
Remilia(Matlen):whouldnt u think someone stolen it?
Sakuya(raimbow_dashy):at first,i thout that as Well,but i didnt hear a single Voice,and that a single night...
Remilia(Matlen):is that so...
~end of flash we can see Marisa and reimu pass~
Remilia(Matlen):hu?*sees them*
Marisa(Elleyd):is the box that importent to u?
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):you wouldent understand
Marisa(Elleyd):but they were hardly a donation
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):wat was inside dosent matter!it means a lot to me
Remilia(Matlen):reimu...?and Marisa?what r they doing here?
~aya was aside remilia~
Aya(RoseHeart):just some errands!
Remilia(Matlen):*eyes widend*whoa!
Aya(RoseHeart):oh,here!*hands a newspaper*bunbunmaru news summer extra edition
~then they hear Marisa yells~
Marisa(Elleyd):aya!whered u go?
Aya(roseheart):tell me your thouts When your done reading it!*jumps*
Remilia(Matlen):*sweatdrop*my thouts...*grabs the news paper and begins to read*the hakurei shinri...feast canceld?
~now lets go to the libary of the mansión where we can see patchouli searching books sitting in a Chair~
Patchouli(MockingjayDistrict):strange,it should be here*flips page*no this one either..tresspasers
~then enters reimu Marisa and aya~
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):patchouli we r coming in!*opens door slaming it*
Marisa(Elleyd):we r already in...
Aya(RoseHeart):wow!there r some raer looking books!i can see why Marisa borrows and never returns them
Marisa(Elleyd):Hey dont give the wrong impression
~whille with reimu still searching~
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):i know your here patchouli!*sees her* There u r!*goes with her*theres somthing i want to ask u
Patchouli(MockingjayDistrict):is that so?but unaforently im bussy looking for somthing*closes a book* if u need someone to play with theres flandre
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):confess your crímenes honestly and i may resondir
Reimu(Crystaldiamond2323):so here!*puts hand in her face*
Patchouli(MockingjayDistrict):Whats with your hand?
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):give back my donación box!,
Patchouli(MockingjayDistrict):what r u...
~then aya and Marisa was fighting so they were th
~throwing books,so a book hits patchouli~
Marisa(Elleyd):did i hit somthing?
Reimu(crystaldiamond2323):patchouli?we r still in a middle of a conversation Get a hold of yourself,patchouli?
Patchouli(MockingjayDistrict):*with a very mád face with tears and a fire backround*y-you fools!
~now lets go back with remilia~
Remilia(Matlen):*still reading*reimu hakurei the self proffesed the wonderful shirine maiden of paradise stated that tonight feast WILL be canceld,in order to search for the hakureis shirine recently stolen offentery box,could this be?
~then apears sakuya with some drinks~
Sakuya(raimbow_dashy):lady remilia your drink is ready
Remilia(Matlen):oh saykua,u found the tea?
Sakuya(raimbow_dashy):unforently no this is a cup of iced chocolate instead
Remilia(Matlen):is that so,Well i hope u find it soon
Autor:Ok im to lazo to write moré since this was long also the next chap There some acción so bye!
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