Hiding My Feelings

The next morning, I was awakened by Louis poking my side. I groaned and sat up. The second I opened my eyes, I saw a bright flash and I instantly flinched away from it. I heard Louis laughing and my door slamming shut. I sighed and fell back again. After lying there for a few minutes, I decided to get Louis back for whatever he had done. Because whatever it was, it had given me a headache.
I got dressed and took some asprin before daring to venture downstairs. I saw Zayn and Liam laughing at Harry, who seemed to be asleep at the table. Niall was holding his head with one hand while eating with the other, and Louis was looking as innocent as he could look with a digital camera in his hand and a guilty smirk on his face. I slowly walked over to the coffeepot and poured myself two cups. One of them I drank, but the other one was gone a lot faster, as I dumped it on Louis' head. I smiled at his shocked expression, then made myself a plate of pancakes.
After eating, I patted Niall on the back for suffering through his hangover with me. I didn't feel like being nice to Harry, though. I pushed him off of his chair and sat where he had been sleeping, since he wasn't using it correctly and there were no other chairs left in the kitchen... at least none that were within my 'I care enough to walk over there and drag it back so I can sit at the table' distance.
Then I went back upstairs and fell back asleep the second my head hit the pillow. When I woke back up, Niall was shaking my shoulder and the sun was setting, making my room look orange and red from the light. I sat up slowly, blinking as I realized that I had slept through the whole day. "What... what happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and yawning, slowly starting to realize that my headache was gone.
Niall smiled at me shyly. "Well, after you dumped coffee on Louis, Liam and Zayn had to hold him back so that he wouldn't run up here and burn your clothes. Then, Harry went for a walk and was chased by the paparazzi until Paul found him hiding in a Dumpster, hugging a stray cat like it was his lifeline. Me and Liam picked up Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor at the airport, and then when we got back here, we found Louis and Zayn in the middle of an intense battle of Mario Kart on the Wii. Now, it's time to eat dinner, and Danielle is demanding that you come down and eat with us. So, get up, please, so that I won't get hurt by a girl and made fun of by the guys."
I smiled slightly and hugged him. "No problem, Niall. Tell Danielle I'll be right down." He blushed, nodded, and walked out, closing the door quietly behind him. I couldn't help but laugh a little at him. He was just too sweet. My smile dissappeared, though, when I remembered that Louis and I had kissed. I had fallen for Louis again. And Eleanor was here. I sighed and stood up. How was I going to deal with this?
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I wrote a fanfic too, maybe you can check it out later?
probably the best 1d story here