I am looking back at qfeast now, and It has changed so much since I have last seen it 0_0 I didn't recognize it at first. Anyway, for people who do remember (An_Idiot) I just came back on to say hi :D it has been two years (I think) and it is fun looking back at how stupid I was. I hated sixth grade, seventh still sucks. It's funny seeing how obsessed I was with Higurashi and now I am in love with Mekaku city actors, someone plz know this;( Anyway back to the point, I am happy to see how qfeast has changed and I hope there are some people still on here that I knew. Well anyway, I know this was pointless and you all may continue living your lives.... I wish I had one
Oh yeah, and I hate the rules on how it has to be long enough so I am going to ask random questions:
Has anyone heard the song Echo by Gumi? I love it Do you think caterpillars know that they're supposed to become butterflies? Do they just start building a cocoon one day going, "what the f*** am I doing?" Do you think that you can randomly put some letters together and say it for the first time, like suyhdgyudr, it's my new favorite word