Hello me Sky here and here a Adventure-love Story of you and Red enjoy and please don't say anything hateful in the comments.
WolfieGirl12published on February 10, 2017completed
The Kiss !?
Red took you back to his house and he laid you down on this lap cleaning your wounds" Hey Y/n " Red said looking at you once he was done " Yeah " you answered " .What happened to your family...If you don't want to talk about it that's fine " Red whispered as he move you off his lap and sat down beside you " Red....I'll tell you " you answered again." My family.....got killed in a fire and I was the only one that was alive.Then I got put in foster care for years unit I turn 19...Yeah I wasn't allowed to be a Pokémon Trianer until I was 14 so yeah..." You said crying Red hugged you " Red........Why are you so nice me " you asked "Becuse...I have my reasons " Red said while he was still hugging you."Red your my only best friend and my only friend I've ever had " you said sadly" Red that day we met.Where you save me and where I got beat up.I'm thier trash eveyone beats me up says mean stuff and...They bully me " you agin sadly said. " They want me to die like my family that's why everyone is mean to me but Red....your different you don't be mean to me and stuff so your the most best friend I ever had " you said crying into Red. Red just hugged you cause he loves you and he hates to see you sad then he raises your face and makes you looked in his eyes and hugs you again you bush.Red smile as bushes " Hey Y/n " Red whispered " Yea....." you said Red moves closer to your face you try to back away " What's wrong " Red asked " Nothing "you answered then Red started to move his head closer and closer to yours.Once Red got so close to your face he kiss you.You don't know why you want to kiss back but you kiss him back he put his fingers though your hair and you put your arms around his neck.You love each other it became a make out time. "Hey Y/n .." Red started "Yea..." you said " D-do you lo-" Red started again but got kiss by you " Yes Red I do love you " you said smiling.