Your end due to Slenderman

The trees stand around you tall,
You hear the thunder clap,
You run hoping that you won’t fall,
The forest went on forever,
You glided through without fail,
Your body he was trying to sever,
You knew he was hot on your trail,
Into view came your house,
You could still hear the static,
Quick as a mouse,
You hid in the attic,
You looked for a hiding spot,
You jumped into an old chest,
You wrapped your hands into a knot,
Your heart thumped against your breast,
You felt his paranormal presence,
The noise boomed in your head,
What was this man’s essence?
Why did he want you dead?
You silently prayed,
You closed your eyes,
You wished him away,
You said your final good byes,
You heard the chest open with a squeak,
You waited for deaths baring,
You opened your eyes to take a peak,
You saw that he was staring,
The static had stopped,
There was no more fear,
All of it dropped,
With one final tear,
You felt very empty,
Almost hollow inside,
You knew instantly,
You had died,
The image started to fade,
It began to go grey,
What an unexpected way,
To end your 13th birthday,
Even though you didn’t live long,
You loved the life you had,
So it’s alright that things went wrong,
Because you died living glad,
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