Supernatural I don't watch the story it's just for the chapter name

Sonic exe:×teleports in front of Jason×
Jason:agh!!!×runs out of there×
Sonic exe:get back here go ahead tell anyone you can't stop me I am god
Jason:yeah right ×later that day×
Jason:×sees Amy about to get killed×
Amy:×crys×sonic what happen to you
Sonic exe:×takes out a machete
Jason:×kick sonic exe× Amy let's go
Amy:×still crying×okay
Jason:×huff and puts Amy on his back and runs×
Amy:what's wrong
Jason:hydro trying to make a clone of sonic remember when Eggman almost took over this world
Jason:hydro was worried so he tried to make a clone and failed
Amy:is he dead
Amy:don't tell me how he died
Jason:×turns around and sees sonic exe is close×whoahhhh!!!!!×runs really quick×
Amy:×hangs in tinger×
Jason:×jumps over a gap×
Amy:whoa! Jason how you did that
Jason:no idea×puts Amy down×let's go find the others ×builds a house×
Amy:later please
Jason:oh yeah let's rest and find food and other survivors
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I know ur offline right now
I need to ask u something
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crap my face is red
hopefully no one else sees this
you wanna date?
(i already know the answer
but at least I tried
i'm fine