I see, I do

My phone rings and she hurriedly left the room... i thought to myself...oh no, not again! even on my birthday?
You see my mum was a very busy woman. She owned lots of restaurants and cafes.
The only day my mum would turn her phone off was on a Sunday....
Peace at last....my brothers would say.My sisters , nitty and gritty would come up with a long lists of groceries for mum to buy for the home.
My Mum came into the room smiling. She had finished on the phone.One of the restaurants she owned needed her to add some items to their shopping list for the week as the new dish mum created was loved by the customers and they were running out of the ingredients to prepare it.
" it is Dawn's birthday today and i will see you tomorrow" she told the chef.
My mum knew how to spend her day wisely. She spent time with her family and provided for them too.
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