Bella's Little Secret

“In three days, the ground would be covered with snow”, I heard Edward say. You’d think I was eavesdropping but with vampire hearing, even the faintest voice is impossible to ignore.
“Which means we have only three days left”, said Bella, flatly.
She came out of the house.
“Ready for practice?” she asked.
“Absolutely… I don’t think that we have much time left”, I replied calmly.
“Three days, according to Edward”, she said. “That’s all we have got. Three days, and I thought I would have him for the rest of eternity.”
“You’ve got eternity. Everything’s going to be alright", I said." I know you two will have the rest of eternity"
"You think so?"
"I believe so. Why, you gave up your human traits for him. Edward lived a really long life full of regret; he has waited a lot for you, Bella. You know he never felt love in almost a century before he met you. You two almost got killed. After that, there was the danger of the treaty with the tribe. At last, everything has returned to normal (well, normal for vampires, anyway). The Volturi can't just come and ruin everything."
I looked at Bella. She didn't say anything. So I continued, “It may appear strange. But I believe that there is a higher calling, everything has happened for a reason...there was a reason the first vampire to be created by a vegetarian waited for a century for his soul mate...there was a reason you decided to move to a place you dreaded...there was a reason you gave birth to an immortal child and I believe with all my might that there is a reason the Volturi are coming here."
"Thanks Nick. “She said. “But...” she trailed off.
"But what?” I asked. There was something in her voice that was making me anxious.
"Can I tell you something, Nick?” she asked.
"Of course, you can"
"Nick, there's something I have been hiding from everyone...I don't want to. I think they all deserve to know but I can't. I just can't risk Aro knowing it."
I was getting impatient every minute. But I didn't want to push her. So, I just waited for her to continue. ”Go on”
"Before Alice left, she left me a message in one of my books --The Merchant of Venice to be specific. She wrote a name on the book, she mentioned some J. Jenkins. He is some fake document provider...I've got birth certificates and passports made from his office for Jake and Renesmee. But I don't know, the fact that Alice left me that message tells me that ....that we are not going to make it and Jake and Renesmee would need an escape plan"
"Oh". An involuntary gasp escaped from my mouth, all my hopes were shattered. But somehow, I was not afraid to die, I was more afraid of losing my family. It was strange...I have just spent a few months with the Cullens but the thought of them dying was unbearable.
"I want to tell everyone that we are going to lose, that there is no hope but then I will have to tell them everything and Nessie's only escape plan would be ruined. You are the only one I can tell all this to for we two are the only ones here whose minds are safe."
"But Alice's visions are not always accurate; the future is not set in stone. Telling the others would undermine their confidence and our only chance will be gone. So please just give it a rest and practice".
After that, none of us said a word. We practiced silently for the rest of the day.
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