Everyone is Beautiful

You might just be about to call someone hat. Before you do that, think about the consequence of that. What if they've actually been loosing weight? You might offend then by calling them fat. They might be called fat by everyone else and therefore feels like they really are fat. Are you going to make them feel any better by stating that? Of course you aren't! Your words might hurt them! Calling someone fat or ugly is wrong and you know it is! Keep your damn opinions to yourself and don't hurt anyone else with them! You have no right to judge someone's beauty!
This also goes to people who feel like they are the ones who are being told that they are fat or ugly - you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! There will only ever be one of you. You are unique. You are beautiful in your own way whether it is personality or looks. If anyone tells you otherwise in a mocking or insulting manner, feel free to punch them in the face. You are you. No one else can be you. No one can force you to change. You don't have to let people get you down.
Be strong and show them who's the boss, okay?
-- BackToHumans
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