"After Disneyland, there'll be no more family holidays because I mean, I'll be at school, so it's got me thinking, for my birthday, do you think I'll get a dog?"
This story was written specifically for Kellygirl2
xKearaxpublished on February 19, 2013not completed
Night before Paris
"Disney Land is probably gonna be the last family holiday," Liffey said, folding her last t-shirt and placing it in the suitcase, "cos', I mean, high school's next year, and it's not like primary school, there's more work and more time, so there'd be no holiday time apart from Summer." she zipped up her suitcase and looked at Keara, "Yeah, enjoy it while you still can. But I have a really important question, what is your shoe size?" Liffey looked at Keara with strained eyes, "Why do you need to know?" "It's to do with your birthday." Liffey rolled her eyes, "I'm a size 4. Hm, now that you've got me thinking about it, I wonder what I'm getting for my birthday...Oh my gosh! Imagine if I got a dog!" Keara looked at her confused, "Yeah? Your birthday's in May Liffey." Liffey started smirking, ignoring her, "That would be pretty awesome, you have to admit. A big Newfie or a Leonberger-cos' you know, dad's been talking about it, he seems quite enthusiastic about getting one, I'm not sure about mom though.." Liffey sat on the bed and thought then looked at Keara, "What do you think?" "Me? Uh, well, I suppose so? Maybe you're thinking too far. Just focus on having a good day tomorrow." Keara smiled but to no avail, "But, everyone has a dog, and I never wanted Roxy to go, it's not fair, everyone I know has-" "Liffey not-" "EVERYONE!!!" Keara backed away a little, "Sorry, maybe I am a little excited about tomorrow." she looked away, her friend patted her shoulder, "Yep! But anyways, I should be getting back, it's 8 o'clock. So have a great time tomorrow, I'll miss ya! And I'm guessing that you won't be on qfeast." Liffey laughed, "Yeah right, I'll be sitting in front of a computer while everyone else is having fun on the roller coasters!" Keara slipped her coat on and Liffey opened the door for her, "See you when I get back, yeah?" they waved until she got to the corner shop. "Liffey!" Liffey's little sister Breen said, spitting yogurt all over her, "What Breen! Wait till' you finished eating!" Breen swallowed, "Mum said that if you want anything, eat it now because we're going to bed in 10 minutes!" Liffey pushed Breen out of the way and ran upstairs with her Aero yogurt. She lay flat on her bed, plucked the ear phones into her ears and listened to some Ed Sheeran, "Give a little time to me or burn this out, we'll play hide and seek to turn this ar-" and she was asleep. "Huh!" she woke up. It was still dark. Something was crawling on top of her covers. She stretched to her left to switch the light on.... "Breen! What the heck!" Breen looked shocked, "It's nearly Disneyland!" Liffey rubbed her eyes, Breen always did this, even when it was Christmas Eve! She grabbed the tiny clock from her bedside, "Breen.." she rolled her eyes, "Breen, seriously? It's only 11 o'clock!" Breen curled her lip, "Will you stay awake with me?" Liffey pulled her covers to let Breen in, there was no point in arguing, it would take ages get back to sleep anyway, "Come on in..So, what are you most looking forward to?" Breen was asleep. Typical. She'd already hogged the covers, "Fine then," Liffey said turning off the light, "I'll just take your bed then." she threw the giant teddies off her little sister's bed, then lay under the quilt. She was so bored, until, "I know something you don't know.." "What?" Breen hid her smirk underneath the covers, chuckling, "Fine, but don't tell me you're tired at 4 in the morning.."
what is all this kabble
it doesnt make any sense to me
what it meAN