Here we go!

All the battles will be fought here, in the great EggColosseum, kindly built by our sponsor, the Dr Eggman. Say doctor, why did you built this colosseum and sponsored this game, for what I remember you were evil.
"Well, you know, after the millionth time I've been defeated I decided to become good, and to prove that, I've sponsored this game. It will be funny see the inhabits of Mobius to do some sport and have fun."
Thank you for your words doc. Now, let's talk a bit about the game. Two fighters will be selected for every battle and then they will fight until one of them is knocked out. Quite simple isn't it? There is only one rule: No Mortal Blows. After every battle all the fighters will be taken in the medical structure, so, dear spectators, don't worry, they will be fine.
In these days fighters will be chosen, battles will be fight, winners will be celebrate, and losers will be pushed to do better. We will be witness to awesome battles, they will be hard, but the winners will have fame and glory! And losers another chance to win. Everyone, do your best, and...
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