Oct 9-I remember now!
So first we had gym in the morning but we had a supply teacher.
We where suppose to play dodge-ball (Our class was so hyped for it)
Our supply teacher said that we had to play volley ball!
Half the class had no idea on how to play it ( This included me )
So everything was messed up.
There was 5 people on one team and 16 on the other.
One kid volleyed the ball and it landed in the basket ball net that was attached to the side of the gym.
At lunch everyone was talking on what happened at gym today.
It was probably the most hyped lunch that we have ever had this year (So far)
Anyways, after school I was cleaning my room when I found a photo (around grade 2)
That showed my class photo and beside me was Lilly!
I looked through my notebooks and there was a journal entry that said that my 2 best friends are Cassie and Lilly.
And then I remembered!
Lilly was one of my best friends when I was little but she had to move.
Seams like she had to move again to be able to go to my school!
Know I remember!
And I also remember...
That Lilly was the one who first showed me about...
How did I forget?
Anyways I have to do my math homework...
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