Me, myself and this account...

"I actually (almost) started with this account on YouTube, but then I was like, 'all that animating is gonna take forever and maybe longer'
so I found this website":elina "..and why do that when I can just wright the stuff I'm saying, like right now-"
"uhhm, elina?...":Ray
"yeah, what's wrong ray?":elina
"ur cat-ears are showing again...":Ray
"ohh-oops *make them disappear* didn't meant 2 do that... U probably seen that in the picture right above/next me. I do that when I watch something awesome (like fanficted stories), get ideas I can use 4 my own story, but in the end it looked like I copy-wrighted something from it,
so I call it copy-catting (i will do that ALOT in the future)... there 4 the cat ears"
"ow, BTW that there was Ray (duhh), he's the camera-man. why don't u come here and introduce urself?, I'll hold camera 4 u":elina
"k *gives camera and steps forward* hey, I'm known as Ray the Camera-man. Ray as in Narro-"ray"-tor and kinda work here and-"
I couldn't controle the camera so i scream like crazy in the background till Ray comes and saves me and calms her down...
(yeah, It's a "her"...)
" *dizzy* thnx, ray... no wonder ur camera-man...":elina "oke, where were we, Oh yeah, the reason why I'm here is cauze I'm REALLY bored in real life and know most of u r 2 (and I can do lots of randomly awesome stuff on the internet)."
"So if ur bored, have time or even ideas about something that should be episode 2 just comment down below..."
"ok, now 2 tell more about me... I'm a thirteen-ager (no ur not reading it wrong), a fan of: Anime, Sonic, MLP, being awesome ect., ect."
"..have a addiction 2 electronics but 4 the rest i'm a perfectly a normal-normal child, except that I can go Hyper from time 2 time.."
"oh and if ur wondering 'what' i am, i'm a MSC (maple series character) a awesome chibi-doll-kinda thing that can basically do alot of stuff."
"in a episode/story in the future I'll tell u my past, how i met Ray and all that future-stuff, but 4 now.."
"I'm Elina, that's Ray and I'm here 4 ur not-perverted internet entertainment"
This might be short but it's a start 2 something awesome, so just watch and read ^-^
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Buet now people won't ask me the same kind of qeustion... i guess...
well that story is closer to us since I already Know what i gotta wright...
but yeah, see ya till then ;)
that's why the cat-ears "magically" appear xD
I'm gonna make a story about my past in the future and u can find out why
...but don't tell any one else or else I can just a easily post that on my wall...
It's gonna be me, you, ray and the cameras secret, k ;)
... Was there something wrong with the story?... It WAS my first story so if that's the case please tell me what that was, pretty please?
hope u did read it though and
till next time ^-^