We reached the lighthouse just before it turned dark. Me and Nick ran hard and strong up the stairs to the top while rochelle stayed at the bottom with coach. "Finally"i said breateing hard "we are at the top." I smiled at Nick as he did the same we both then toke off to the light. "Now how do we turn it on?" i asked nick. Nick shrugged and start to look around as i did the same. Just in time i saw something weird out of the corner on my eye "nick?" i said nevously "did you see that?" "See what ellis im a little busy right now" nick said back as he found a panel of switches the figure flashed by again. I started to back away from the edge of the buildin. I knew right away something bad was going to happened. Right then nick found the light as i was just about to say good job a tounge wrapped around me and started to drag me. The touge was tight enough that i couldn't breathe. "Nick help!" i yelled nick grabbed the gun from his pocket and started to shoot the touge but it wouldn't work. "Where is the body of this thing!" nick cried. I stop breathe "help" i whisper one more time as my last breathe stopped. "Ellis no hold on i got you!"i heared nick's vocie fade. Before my eyes close i could see nick running toward me with his sword. Then my eyes closed.