dog bringing up kittens!

An animal-lover brought the shivering kittens into Hull and East Riding RSPCA soaking wet and wrapped in a towel and staff nursed them back to health with bottle feeds every three hours.
And when animal care assistant Carina McLean took the kittens home with her at night her pet dog Missey fell in love with them and decided to lend a paw.
Carina, 29, said: "Missey has taken a real shine to them. She cleans them, giving them a good lick all over, a nice wash and brush up.
"She is like a surrogate mum to them. She doesn't mind that they are kittens, she was hand-reared herself so she's repaying the favour."
Four-year-old Missey, a crossbreed, was bottle-fed by RSPCA staff when her mother rejected her as a puppy then taken in by Carina when she was six-weeks-old.
The kittens weighed just 150g when they were brought into the centre.
Receptionist Amanda Nightingale said: "They were so small they didn't have their eyes open.
"They were really, really lucky."
And thanks to Missey's care they have now doubled their weight over the past five weeks.
Carina said: "I have been hand-rearing them, bottle-feeding them special kitten milk every three hours and Missey's on hand to clean them up after their feeds.
"They have started eating soaked biscuits now and are already learning to use the litter tray.
"They are doing really well. They will eventually be ready for rehoming when they weigh at least a kilo.
"They will make lovely pets because they are so used to being handled — and thanks to Missey they don't mind dogs at all."
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