Choose a faction!

1) Abnegation - the selfless faction
Abnegation is about showing selflessness and appreciation to others, without being self-involved. Anything with self activity is forbidden in Abnegation.
Birthdays are NOT celebrated in Abnegation; it is considered self-indulgent, which is forbidden.
There is only one time you are allowed to look in the mirror: on the second day of every third month, the day you cut your hair. You only get 10 seconds of reflection time.
In the Choosing Ceremony, the Abnegation bowl is represented as grey stones.
Clothing style:
Beauty must be hidden in Abnegation; beauty is considered self-indulgent and self-extravagant to Abnegation.
Skin is NOT allowed to be showed in Abnegation. Long sleeved tops, long skirts that hide the leg skin.
If a sleeveless or short-sleeved dress is worn, a cardigan that hides the revealing skin MUST be worn.
All clothes worn MUST be grey.
Only simple hairstyles are allowed in Abnegation. Females usually wear their hair in a bun/knot, whilst men cut their hair short.
Sit quietly and wait. Bow heads, a sign of respect, when greeting each other. Not manipulative, but not forthright.
Erudite - the Erudite want to eliminate Abnegation's leaders and take over the City's government. Apparently, giving an Erudite boy a car is more important than giving food to the factionless in Erudite's view.
2) Amity - the peaceful faction
Amity are a kind and caring faction. They are the only faction to believe in peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality.
Amity dislikes anything to do with war. War is something Amity do not believe in.
In the Choosing Ceremony, the Amity bowl is represented as soil.
Clothing style:
Members dress comfortably in red and yellow, with simple hairstyles, but not as simple as Abnegation.
They love music, art, games, and laughter. They give hugs when greeting.
3) Candor - the honest faction
Candor stand for justice, equality, and above all, truth. They do NOT believe in "duplicity and deception for human nature's faults". This is why Candor was formed: to seek the justice and uncover truth for the better.
If a being is not trusted, the Candor have a right to interrogate them using truth serum. This makes the being reveal their darkest secrets, and tell the truth about anything they are asked.
In the Choosing Ceremony, the Candor bowl is represented by broken shards of glass.
Clothing style:
Their colours are black and white. No certain hairstyle is required, but decent skin exposure must be kept.
The men wear black suits with white ties. There is nothing specific for women.
Honest, trustworthy, sound leaders, and able to read body language to detect lies.
4) Dauntless - the brave faction
Dauntless believe that cowardice is NOT an option. They risk their lives on a day-to-day basis to prove to the other factions just how brave they are; and jumping on and off moving trains is just the start of it!
Dauntless believe the best way to reduce or fully prevent cowardice is preparedness and the ability to act when in fear.
In the Choosing Ceremony, the Dauntless bowl is represented by sizzling coals.
Clothing style:
Dauntless like to stand out from the crowd. They wear all black clothing (some with fiery accessories) and outrageous tattoos and piercings. They also flash unusual hair colours and styles, which also shows their bravery.
Most Dauntless get a tattoo as a reminder of the fear they have overcome. Some get a tattoo to look part of the faction.
Bravery, courage, fighting and physical skills, the ability to know, face, and overcome their fears.
Dauntless is a neutral faction, unlike Erudite and Abnegation.
5) Erudite - the intelligent faction.
Erudite is the only faction that carries intelligence, curiosity, and astuteness. It was formed by people who blamed ignorance and darkness in human minds.
In the Choosing Ceremony, the Erudite bowl is represented by clear water.
Clothing style:
Most members wear glasses regardless of how perfect their vision is.
Each member is required to wear at least one item of BLUE clothing.
Chat about books and newspapers; in constant pursuit of knowledge. Curiosity- it drives them to seek knowledge.
Abnegation - Erudite criticise Abnegation (mostly the government), using false accusations published in newspaper articles.
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